Is this really bannable??

Blizzard always supplies the reason for the ban in the email they send you. For whatever reason twinks were falsely flagged(of course some not falsely), thankfully most seem to have their accounts back. But it had nothing to do with any macro, addon or whatever. Generally, they just hotfix those to not work anymore or fix them and give a slap on the hand 4 day ban. Below is what's covered in the bans people received.

Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)​

Yet another cheating related WoW ban. This originates from any other software that interferes with WoW and is seen as a cheat. Even if it’s not one.

Here’s its confirmation email:

Account Action: Account Closure
Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)
This account was closed for use of unauthorized cheat programs, also known as hacks or bots.
Blizzard Entertainment.
So, just like the above WoW ban reasons, this happens due to cheating detection (bots, hacks, rotation helpers, etc.). But, Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs also happens due to:

  • multiboxing software (which is now against the rules);
  • character model changers (tMorph, jMorph, iMorph, etc.);
  • ConsolePort (albeit as a false positive);
  • coding software and automation tools.
Blizzard always supplies the reason for the ban in the email they send you. For whatever reason twinks were falsely flagged(of course some not falsely), thankfully most seem to have their accounts back. But it had nothing to do with any macro, addon or whatever. Generally, they just hotfix those to not work anymore or fix them and give a slap on the hand 4 day ban. Below is what's covered in the bans people received.

Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)​

Yet another cheating related WoW ban. This originates from any other software that interferes with WoW and is seen as a cheat. Even if it’s not one.

Here’s its confirmation email:

So, just like the above WoW ban reasons, this happens due to cheating detection (bots, hacks, rotation helpers, etc.). But, Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs also happens due to:

  • multiboxing software (which is now against the rules);
  • character model changers (tMorph, jMorph, iMorph, etc.);
  • ConsolePort (albeit as a false positive);
  • coding software and automation tools.
Well I'd like to know where they've found those on my pc, they could have come in handy!

Seriously though I'd never have anything like that and risk my 20 year old account that I've put actual years of playtime and money into.

I was even too scared to use the xpdebuff macro incase it got flagged as cheating. Gathered they wouldn't go to this much trouble to find people who simply just used in-game sign up mechanics.

My latest (4th) ticket is now over a day old without response, I think they are fed up with me now
Yeah, like i said, for some reason we generated a lot of false positives. I have no doubt you didn't do anything like that since you are still fighting to get your account back.
Sorry you got caught up in this, i got caught up in a 4 day ban 6 months ago or so. It wore me out with all the wow players saying you know what you did, you deserve to be banned! Still no idea what i did.

Further inquiries will no longer receive a reply.

Congratulations you too. Sorry you had to go through all this but happy it got fixed in the end
Damnit, now what are we supposed to fight over and make conspiracy theories about?!? LOL
*clears throat* flying mounts and arena pvp are root cause of everything that ruined retail
and the downfall of world pvp?

Having serious thoughts of going back to play classic to scratch that itch.
Can who ever deleted 2/3 of my last post please write and tell me what line I crossed? If my posts are going to be edited w/o me knowing why, not cussing or hating on anyone then I'll just move along. Thought this was an open forums. Thanks in advance.
but zone scaling for example was only done in Legion to give the players more options on quest routes
alright, I'm not committed to this position and dont necessarily think its a good one but im gonna give it a whirl

Dynamic zone scaling runs downstream from flying mounts because its only with flying mounts that you start to (justifiably) perceive the zone levels as restrictions, rather than a feature. Since you can fly over and past trouble zones, it removes the character from the natural progression of a leveling path, so why not do away with that leveling path altogether? Since you've given players the freedom of movement that flying provides, rather than guiding and funneling them into certain zones via environmental barriers and breadcrumb quests, why not actually give them full freedom of choice in how they pursue that leveling?

look its not great and I already see holes here but I'm trying
alright, I'm not committed to this position and dont necessarily think its a good one but im gonna give it a whirl

Dynamic zone scaling runs downstream from flying mounts because its only with flying mounts that you start to (justifiably) perceive the zone levels as restrictions, rather than a feature. Since you can fly over and past trouble zones, it removes the character from the natural progression of a leveling path, so why not do away with that leveling path altogether? Since you've given players the freedom of movement that flying provides, rather than guiding and funneling them into certain zones via environmental barriers and breadcrumb quests, why not actually give them full freedom of choice in how they pursue that leveling?
I think the main problem is that it was added for Legion questing first, which iirc did not have flying at the start, it was instead added in like an .1 patch and after earning some achievements.

It was later added for all zones in like 7.2.5 or 7.3.5 but I think the main reason was cuz you out leveled the old zones too fast, quests would be green after only having done 20% of the zone.

look its not great and I already see holes here but I'm trying
It's fine, it's Friday, I just wanna argue on the internet, anything works

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