Is ghost iron dragonling all that great?

I've seen people use this presumably as part of a mastery stack. Is the dragonling any good? I'm struggling to see a use case for most classes. For hunters you can get harlan's loaded die with a socket which i imagine is probably better. Am i missing something here?

Ghostiron Dragonling trinket is awesome! I love when it procs for an enemy stealthy using it that just landed a killing blow and exited combat into stealth. The dragonling will head straight back to the stealthed enemy and give their position away and also follow them if moving. AOE the Dragonling and you will pop the stealthy outta hiding.
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You know what they say when you assume.
we all saw "requires cata engi level 75" and assumed that meant the cogwheels didnt work unless you had it. Turns out, all that meant was it required engi to socket the cogs in the trinket.

Shit happens, I suppose.
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