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  • Decisions, decisions. Is it too late to level something in Classic to run in both Classic then clone for BC? I was not expecting BC so fast.
    Would anyone care to join me in starting and leveling some toons fresh on Classic, with the intent of doing all the content then BC? :)
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    Reactions: Blackberryy
    What server and faction, bro? You guys planning on doing all the content and then doing BC? =D
    Yeah man! Fitting up the guild now for that, got a lot from my old guild and some I’ve met along the way.

    It’s on earthfury horde
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    Reactions: Zemmix
    Sweet deal man, I've got a few toons on EF so I've got some names free and stuff I like and everything. I'll hop on tonight amigo! =]
    Hey Chops, let's do BGs this weekend. Help a brother gear up? I got 6 months to kill amigo.
    you know where to find me :)
    .........Detroit Rock City?
    My weight gain was almost entirely because I drank a ton almost every day for 7 years. When I stopped drinking, I lost 60 lbs lol
    I was like 230 at one point. Was also about 130 at one point. Now I'm about 170. Would like to go back to 150ish.
    I need to get back into running, but it's hard in the winter here. Being hypermobile causes a lot of joint issues, and exercise might help
    Yeah, they are great and satisfying but not the best. I prefer Checkers & Rallys.
    *looks at posts* Note to self, +10 respect DeLindsey, -50 respect Tom Ganks. Chops is rude. *noted*
    So for 20s, how are the tank classes doing? Particularly curious how DK and DH are doing! I see prot pally is doing choice. Chops, Al?
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    sword/board arms warrior actually pumps
    Really? That's neat to hear. Can you get funky and yet still make it work for some good burst with some wep swap macros?
    yea, you can stay up almost forever if youre talasite stacked and make good use of ignore pain/shield block. You can still use colossus smash with a shield and thats your big burst, and shield slam can do decent dmg. Its no MS but people will have to respect you.

    If youre looking for the aesthetics of sword/board, not the swag hipsterness of a tank spec, then arms is good to go
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