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  • Has it really been years? Damn, man. That's my longest drought. Sorry. =/ I'll be on tonight, tomorrow, etc. Hit me up! :)
    Rude Chops and Ohti. I've been playing a ton the last..3 days! =D F2P, Retail, and BC Classic.
    So I've been trying to debate what to level for SL, since I've decided to actually play retail again for a while. Which classes are fun now?
    At max level or 20's? I had a blast levelling an Enhancement Shaman (after long levels of slow gameplay) and a Sub Rogue with enchants and macros.
    Hm, both I guess? For 20s I'll probably just finish leveling my warrior to 20 and use him. Just sticking with that character. I'd love to use my main account, and just start a new toon on it and level start to end game and get back into things.
    Currently I only have a lvl60 Paladin. Really enjoyed the "Melee-adin" style of healing Mythic Dungeons, as it is very unusual for healers (also, Retris and Holys are strong in all kinds of max lvl PvP).

    I was levelling a Feral Druid until gametime ran out and it is a very challenging spec to play effectively, with many things to track. I will try to play it competitively on Mythic Dungeon some time in the future.
    Depending on cut, I like either tartare or medium rare. :) For that meal, I'd say a rare porterhouse would be nice.
    That's fair. I imagine after a while, they will pick back up a bit. I can see Vanilla, BC, and WoTLK all maintaining a decent base.
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    Reactions: KPI
    I love TBC, but it makes me depressed to know it's essentially fleeting. Classic is dead now, TBC will then be WoTLK, etc. Such is life.
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    Reactions: KPI and Conzil
    Don't worry, it's the same for retail
    Is it though? I mean, the private Classic servers seemed to have a constant flux of people despite other servers, retail and the constant threat of a Cease & Desist from Blizzard. I think there's even people who like to play on servers that always have resets so they can experience the whole thing from fresh again.
    The resets appeal to some, but not me. I never played on private servers out of fear of lack of sticking around. I'll still play BC, though.
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    Reactions: KPI
    Is retail any good for end game raiding this expansion? If not, I'll just do 20s lol :p
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    Reactions: KPI
    The raiding is pretty good, but its class dependent. You might have a slightly harder time getting into groups as melee
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    Reactions: Zemmix
    I like tanking, preferably on DK or Warrior. Or healing, but really only on Pally or Resto Druid.

    For DPS, I'm all mage. That's my favorite endgame PVP/PVE DPS. Are any of the above doing good?
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    Reactions: Leek
    @Zemmix i dont know much about tanking but mage is quite good in slands, and you have a bloodlust/hero +ranged dps so mage might be an S tier pick like Hunter too. Most PVE groups would take you i think.
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