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  • Apples and oranges. Different brackets. 70, I'd say. Raiding BC content and a lot of PVe stuff to do. Arena, as well.
    Going to heal dungeons/Coren at 20-29 if anyone wants in. Will be doing it until lock out.
    This is true. However, I do like some 29s. I played 29s in BC and WoTLK. But thats a different thing. 24s just rolled FOTM to beat on F2P.
    Going to chain queue Coren tonight on heals for instant pops @ level 20. Feel free to add my BTag to group.
    ~_~ Get two trinkets on first 3 runs on 3 toons. Spend 11 runs for nothing on another one. goddamn rng
    You can message them on here. Just go to their profile, and send them a message. :)
    72k damage at 20 on main acct. 12k on F2p. Man the difference enchanted weapons makes these days. :p
    @ohti Yes, and my junkmail (Hotmail) as well. I DONT LIKE CHANGE
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    Reactions: ohti
    im all for change if the change isnt terrible

    looks like google doesn't see it that way
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    Reactions: Zemmix
    Yeah, if it's a good change? Sure. But so often these changes just make things look blegh.
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    Reactions: ohti
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