Zemmix Oct 24, 2018 The best part is, the characters you make on the "demo" stay, and you can use them once it goes live. Good to reserve names.
The best part is, the characters you make on the "demo" stay, and you can use them once it goes live. Good to reserve names.
Zemmix Oct 24, 2018 Didn't win the lottery. Do have millions already.............in WoW. Win some, you lose some.
Zemmix Oct 20, 2018 That's just a stupid idea. Why not just pay tp play and play 60? That defeats the entire concept.
Zemmix Oct 19, 2018 Wonder if she's still on skype or whatnot. I rarely go on any of those messenger type deals. Meanwhile, Kincaides off in like..Mongolia.
Wonder if she's still on skype or whatnot. I rarely go on any of those messenger type deals. Meanwhile, Kincaides off in like..Mongolia.
Zemmix Oct 19, 2018 Whatever happened to her? She was nice. I miss the Selaya,DelIndsey,Kincaide days.
Zemmix Oct 12, 2018 Not a furry, and not a binky. But okay. Your opinion of it being good for endgame PVP is speculative and not a common opinion. But w/e ^_~
Not a furry, and not a binky. But okay. Your opinion of it being good for endgame PVP is speculative and not a common opinion. But w/e ^_~
Zemmix Oct 12, 2018 Heroic Rag and Sinestra were good, the rest was bad PVE wise. Arena was awful each season.