toskosa Jun 4, 2024 Edit ( turns out the servers list is just not showing realms that I have characters on lol.
toskosa Dec 4, 2023 phew, lvl 25 rogue maxed proffs and got some pretty decent gear.... if only my guild was as dedicated lol.
phew, lvl 25 rogue maxed proffs and got some pretty decent gear.... if only my guild was as dedicated lol.
toskosa Nov 4, 2023 Surprised there isnt any talk of the classic era content. Is it twinking if lvl cap is 25?
toskosa Oct 25, 2023 I remember buying the armoured bloodwing in mop, didnt even realize it was no longer on the shop lol
Wich is why I'm not saying this from a 'But blizz said.' position. I'm not trying to dickride any1. But, the game is actually good right now, for the first time in 3 expansions... Them wanting to keep building on this foundation ain't a negative thing.