toskosa Aug 25, 2021 My smf epic cudgel warrior looking pretty spicy after the artifact nerfs hehheh.
toskosa Aug 5, 2021 yeah the 54's will probably be nerfed, I say as bramble and my ilvl 49's remain intact.
toskosa Jul 15, 2021 Hate when twinks are rude to levelers in dungeons for no reason. Seriously, shit makes us all look bad.
Hate when twinks are rude to levelers in dungeons for no reason. Seriously, shit makes us all look bad.
toskosa Jul 11, 2021 Lots to do other then pvp at least at 20 now. Dungeons are fun,questing is fun. Collecting mog is fun.
Lots to do other then pvp at least at 20 now. Dungeons are fun,questing is fun. Collecting mog is fun.
toskosa May 12, 2021 First bg as spellhance went alright considering the horde team had a 29 warlock using the reduced xp exploit on it.
First bg as spellhance went alright considering the horde team had a 29 warlock using the reduced xp exploit on it.