Recent content by thekingkong

  1. tier list

    does anyone have a tier list for the best race for 20 pvp?
  2. Master Speedrun Thread, Submit Here!
  3. Master Speedrun Thread, Submit Here!

    oops did not know <3
  4. Best class/spec

    what is the Best class/spec for boosting?
  5. best professions?

    what is the best professions for level 10/11 twinks?
  6. Island Expedition

    can you do Island Expedition as a twink and how?
  7. 10s Armory List Level 11 Guardian Druid
  8. fire mage

    ok ty :D
  9. fire mage

    can you twink at 10 as a fire mage or should you go a higher level
  10. best classes for level 10 twinking

    i need a list for the best classes for level 10 twinking