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  • 办理斯威本科技大学毕业证文凭Q/微信86614733澳洲SUT毕业证成绩单教育部学历认证留信认证
    I got beta. Probably wont touch it for now. Gunna continue to farm gold on live and then get hella wow tokens before the price inflates.
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    Reactions: KPI
    Farmed the staff in under an hour while waking up with a coffee. Horde had a big area under control and i just solo farmed a small spawn. EZ
    You gonna use it? Had a short convo with someone about whether its worth a shaman giving up a shield
    Still worth in duels or arenas against classed with no physical damage.
    Never saw an epic in all the quests I completed. Every item that would have been an upgrade stayed green. Turned off right now.
    @Rapido been farming Feyscale. No upgrade in 3 drops so far. I'm starting to feel like somebody would have confirmed this by now.
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    Reactions: Rapido
    I've gotten more than 3 drops and doing it with a partner and I too have yet to see any upgrade. My faith isn't gone yet, just because RNG can be quite shit sometimes. Keep updating please.
    9 feyscale cloaks 2 fire belchers no epic

    Going to keep trying

    It’s 2 int 1 stam boost over IL 25 blue cloak so this is worth looking into further. Also unless I dreamt it, I coulda swore I saw a post of an epic firebelcher
    Nevermind, he's doubling back on that now and questioning if our merging was bug to begin with.
    Customer Support just told me on twitter that twinks have been separated from levelers for years. Smart bunch over there at blizzard
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