Psilocybine Jul 5, 2018 Hope every1 filled their festive mug for the slow fall potion. Might say 1 day duration, but its not
Psilocybine Jun 18, 2018 Bfa it true a 110 can one shot a 120 with the pellet gun toy from org? Makes me wonder what other items will slip through
Bfa it true a 110 can one shot a 120 with the pellet gun toy from org? Makes me wonder what other items will slip through
Psilocybine Jun 9, 2018 So blizz removed 19s from wpvp next xpac....i guess those kids i gy camped got developer's jobs
Psilocybine May 9, 2018 You know whats better than a perfect wargaming performance? ....winning a random bg you shouldnt have. #NohealersNoproblem
You know whats better than a perfect wargaming performance? ....winning a random bg you shouldnt have. #NohealersNoproblem
Psilocybine Mar 9, 2018 Dont argue with fools, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Psilocybine Jul 22, 2017 After one cap, half the team gives up, some leave, most claim "its a premade" smh 19 problems