Recent content by McBro

  1. McBro

    EU+US Fresh to 60s

    Awesome, thanks for the replies. I think most of what we’ll be doing is instanced PvP, so knowing that there’s no ilvl breakpoint to reach is very helpful. Still gonna run some old school raids tho, just cause we can XD
  2. McBro

    EU+US Fresh to 60s

    Hi all Me and my mate have decided to have a bit of fun in the 60-69 bracket with a 60 priest (me) and warrior (him). We just hit 60 yesterday, and aside from heirlooms at 85ilvl we have a bunch of questing greens. I assume AQ40 is the place to go for best gear at this level now that all gear...
  3. McBro

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    Yo lassies, Well-hung Dwarf Priest; enjoys long walks in the mountains and someone to spoon on cold winter nights. Mostly a caring and gentle lover, but prone to bouts of insanity. Life of the party, but can be a messy drunk... Here's my number, call me if you're looking for a good time...
  4. McBro

    10v10 Ideas and different BGs

    Agree with Bop on AB, basically just "whoever wins the first fight wins the game" when both are playing the same strat. Very tough to get back unless you manage to snipe a healer early in a fight or someone on your team is a giant carry. EotS is different though, mainly due to the smaller map...
  5. McBro

    Veteran Armory List

    Burg Bro, My warrior and lock are almost done (will jump on tonight and finish). Be a bro and add them please, bro! Mcßop @ Barthilas - Community - World of Warcraft Mcßabe @ Barthilas - Community - World of Warcraft Cheers
  6. McBro

    10v10 Ideas and different BGs

    Quietly raises hand and nervously adds to this request: "Can it be held at Australian evening time?" Jk, no chance. It's about 2am Pacific time when I'm logged on. You kids run along and have fun!
  7. McBro

    Questions & Answers

    I get arena pops every 5mins max when I'm online (Australian evening) but bgs take over 20mins if they actually pop. Still good fun in arenas, normally face the same team a few times in a row, and if they're vets or 29s it's usually back and forth win/loss. Each match the losing team tries a...
  8. McBro

    SMF vs Titan's grip

    Ah, I was talking more about just 1hand vs 2hand. The 30% damage and 25% offhand damage increases over 2hand made me think wild strike would hit harder. Will have both weapon sets once I make the toon, so I'll try both. Just if there was a clear winner I'd only have to make 2 crusader enchants...
  9. McBro

    SMF vs Titan's grip

    Quick question about warriors at 20; does the bonus damage from SMF make up for the base damage and stat loss of Titan's Grip? Which would make my wild strikes hit harder? I'm assuming TG is best, but wanted to check.
  10. McBro

    20-29s Armory List

    Add my shammy too, bro! Mcßro @ Barthilas - Community - World of Warcraft
  11. McBro

    Veteran Armory List

    Yo bro, thanks for adding my priest. Think you could add my druid too, bro? Mcßrò @ Azjol-Nerub - Community - World of Warcraft Cheers bro.
  12. McBro

    Questions & Answers

    If I queue into AB against ten 29's including duopaladin's premade, with a team of 20's, then wipe the floor with them... am I allowed to dance on his corpse after he spent the whole game /spitting?
  13. McBro

    Rate my Disc-priest

    I think stacking stam is wise considering as a priest you'll get focused a lot. Haste is obviously your best option for secondary stat unless you want to go versatility, but I don't find 10% damage reduction comparable to the ridiculous haste you can achieve. Hashbrowns has it about right. But...
  14. McBro

    Veteran Armory List

    Add my priest, bro! Mcßrô @ Barthilas - Community - World of Warcraft
  15. McBro

    Fury warrior damage (vet)

    Has anyone tested SMF yet? The bonus to offhand damage might make WS hit even harder with 1handers...