Recent content by Maelstromz

  1. Worst class at 19?

    Is this guy tartit or somethin?
  2. It's no shadowfang....

    Oh thanks for clarifying.
  3. 1v1s

    Draeni hunters are only arguably more difficult than Ret pallys to play, neither require much thinking.
  4. Worst class at 19?

    Lol shut up Painaid, you can't even jump well irl = p.
  5. 1v1s

    Iunno I think vis beat him, then he beat amar who beat vis and..yeah.
  6. 1v1s

    Considering you mainly play a draeni hunter, I understand.
  7. Best [19] Arena Class

    The best 5s team is 3 hunters and 2 locks. You heard it here first.
  8. 1v1s

    YouTube - Igne vs. Oneshot Igne vrs Oneshot(Syssian) Both extremely good players, very likely the best of each class.
  9. Spirit stacking priest

  10. I suck at my twink.

    You guys are so cute.
  11. 2v2 - most viable comps?

    wut he said^
  12. Quara's Quarner: Priest vs Rogue and Hunter

    Yeah but I'm bored of the same 9001 players. Plus i'd play in both eu and us if i get somebodys eu account.
  13. 2v2 - most viable comps?

    I've personally always enjoyed having my dps get kited to hell, good times, good times. I am glad someone shares similar views.
  14. 2v2 - most viable comps?

    Yeah I went 5-1 against them...but...I think it's a pretty even match, and they're not playing it quite right.
  15. Quara's Quarner: Priest vs Rogue and Hunter

    I see. Well just tell me when you're ready for either or. I actually might go and play in EU for a bit if I can get someones priest.