Life Apr 9, 2022 Thank y’all for the well wishes my surgery was successful! I’m just coping with the pain now.
Life Apr 6, 2022 Tonight is the night to transfer all my stuff to my soon to be unsubbed twinks, the anxiety is real I’ll forget something
Tonight is the night to transfer all my stuff to my soon to be unsubbed twinks, the anxiety is real I’ll forget something
Life Apr 5, 2022 This day has been much brighter my guild made me laugh so much yesterday I cried haha!
Life Apr 4, 2022 Been a really awful terrible morning. Sending everyone here happiness that theirs are better than mine.
Been a really awful terrible morning. Sending everyone here happiness that theirs are better than mine.
Life Apr 4, 2022 Played my soon to be 14 twink in pvp today and got roflstomped by hunters. Love that for me… /cry
Life Apr 3, 2022 Been doing dungeon carries every night and day and I finally got some gear for myself so happy I have almost 3 decent twinks now
Been doing dungeon carries every night and day and I finally got some gear for myself so happy I have almost 3 decent twinks now