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  • Yeah it did tho, those dudes hving a rolicking good time playing cod during work hours
    Is 200k damage in the first 30 seconds normal? Been seeing some fury warriors reaching those numbers in some matches, a bit OOL here
    Come on dont close the drama threads, what does it take to have some fun here xd
    This website shouldn't be used 'for fun'
    Heh to think i used to want to work at blizz one day there as a concept artist xd
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    I bet it's still a rad place to work, there's always bad apples but the tree is usually still good, if that even makes sense lol. I would 100% still work there starting tomorrow, even if the allegations get worse lol...
    Why tf does soulfire have a cooldown and cast time, it's so unfair.
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    iirc, it doesn't require shards to cast, is on a different spell school and does big baseline damage while being able to crit (unlike Chaos Bolt, which always crit and can't crit again)
    Remember when slam for arms warriors actually did good damage for the rage spent, MS enrages you and 2-3 slams wouldve killed a clothie
    The button placement is the thing that gets me, who places all the buttons so high?
    Make spineshatter dive, dive and Dragonfire dive not animation lock. Sick of Dragoons getting laughed at. Oh, wrong gaem
    Starter edition for $35 when cata classic comes, allows you the accessibility of trial accounts for 1 month, then you gotta pay a sub
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