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  • Any other arms warriors having a weird bug where they have only 9.3k hp instead of 9.8k?
    wow alli resorting to hackers in the 20 bracket to avoid all damage nice
    Lol bgs right now are worse than ever, people start leaving the moment enemy kills one person first in mid
    Only 5g install!!! We need to bring the crew back haha I'm sure griefs gunna be down when he replays (inside joke) lye wtf aswell.hit me up but gently plz cuz I'm vetting old. Peace
    Hey man if you ever keen on playing elysium wow I'm on anathema pvp server horde add me: Copes, Sneekzy
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    Reactions: Leek
    Hey man!
    Heh maybe I'll get into elysium one day hahah my com has not enough memory to fit another game atm :/
    Anyone got dat info about the HoTS mount challenge? Stuff like if the mount appears immediately in the collection or mail...
    Mop arms warrior was the shit. Except the part where I get kited by surv hunters
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