Leek Sep 3, 2019 Ah yes, hillsbrad farmers, more dangerous than the biggest baddest bear mob... 1 disarm and gg
Leek Aug 31, 2019 @Warlord Daboo ehhh kind of, but the topics aint really the same other than chuck norris imitations...
@Warlord Daboo ehhh kind of, but the topics aint really the same other than chuck norris imitations...
Leek Aug 26, 2019 Let them come lol pretty sure people are made of stronger stuff (i hope?) Gonna play classic too but 1 week later
Let them come lol pretty sure people are made of stronger stuff (i hope?) Gonna play classic too but 1 week later
Leek Aug 25, 2019 Wow if only that gold can be converted to real money inb4 standard "successful business man with 20 businesses irl" template
Wow if only that gold can be converted to real money inb4 standard "successful business man with 20 businesses irl" template