Recent content by Holythane

  1. Holythane

    Avoiding XP in other games / WTB Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) account

    Years ago I played a mobile mmo called Arcane Legends on my phone, I then realised you could get it on Chrome browser and play on pc too. I would plug an xbox controller in and play like that or could use mouse and keyboard. It actually had an xp lock in settings so could twink at many levels...
  2. Holythane

    Does the 20-24 bracket even have games?

    Most brackets dont unfortunately, 20-24 was only popular as f2ps also joined the bgs. If blizz wanted to fix the bg issue they could remerge 20-29 etc but would no longer be cata like
  3. Holythane

    a few questions ...

  4. Holythane

    Which WoW PVP is active?

    Cata at 85 get AV a decent amount, played it 81-84 too
  5. Holythane


    Some other brackets have bgs but only on the weekend a lot of the time. 35-39 for example. A friend also got into 70-74 bgs yesterday. A tip for pops is you can do /who the bracket you want to play in, make a macro saying que for wsg if we get in ill give you 5g.
  6. Holythane


    Xp on and Xp off are in the same bgs now, I have noticed lots of 79s from wotlk have moved to the 81-84 bracket as 84 twinks. Average wait time 5 mins ish
  7. Holythane

    Grandfather your 19s easier with 19Check

    Just an idea but does anyone have anything similar with current 19 gear? So we know what to grab before faction changing etc.
  8. Holythane

    Grandfathered Items

    Bought some boots on the AH lvl 21 with a +18 stam enchant, requires level 70
  9. Holythane

    Grandfathered Items

    You might as well grab them all there is time if only 2 chars
  10. Holythane

    Grandfather your 19s easier with 19Check

    Anyone know when pre patch is?
  11. Holythane

    60s and 69s in Wrath

    Thanks its a 60 :)
  12. Holythane

    60s and 69s in Wrath

    Anyone have a fire mage talent guide? cant seem to find one
  13. Holythane

    29 or 39 Warrior?

    Thanks for that guess im buying a pod then haha
  14. Holythane

    29 or 39 Warrior?

    Looking to make a 29 or 39 Warrior fine with either but just wondering what lvl is better / more survivability vs other twinks? Heard 29 is pretty imbalanced so. Thanks!