handsomedgc Dec 15, 2016 So I just got rank 3 Aethrill and rank 3 Starlight Rose in less then 3 hours. #blessed
handsomedgc Dec 1, 2016 Does someone know if the auction house is crossfaction nowadays? Even the ones in capital cities?
handsomedgc Nov 15, 2016 @zweindigo I agree, but if that was 100% we all would be rerolling on a cata/mop private server.
handsomedgc Nov 15, 2016 @Tweakedirl don't you mean WoD? Cuz no one is calling vanilla prepreprepreprepreprepatch
handsomedgc Nov 9, 2016 I'm happy Trump won, he might not be the nicest, but he isn't beating around the bush. #GrabThemByThePussy
I'm happy Trump won, he might not be the nicest, but he isn't beating around the bush. #GrabThemByThePussy
handsomedgc Nov 8, 2016 So I just had a fun game with 2 guys from Twink or Riot, a shame they have a retared GM
handsomedgc Nov 8, 2016 @zweindigo toxic twink aleram WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO WEO