Recent content by handsomedgc

  1. handsomedgc

    Taking a dump @ work

    Taking a dump @ work
  2. handsomedgc

    Taking a massive dump rn

    Taking a massive dump rn
  3. handsomedgc

    Level 69 with TW gear

    Just wondering: what scales better: 61 or 69?
  4. handsomedgc

    Anyone wanna run some WoD dungeons? Can heal

    Anyone wanna run some WoD dungeons? Can heal
  5. handsomedgc

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Quickscanned this thread, but I would like to know what happens with our level 20 toons after remix ends?
  6. handsomedgc

    What class is the best for boosting?

    Let me elaborate, I don't wat to deal with the xpoff debuff hassle when boosting. Im just trying to figure out how much slower a 20 twink would be, if each run is just 2/3 minutes slower I wouldnt mind.
  7. handsomedgc

    What class is the best for boosting?

    I want to make a level 20 veteran twink and use it to boost in dungeons. 1. I know it will be slower as a level 10/11, but can anyone tell me how much slower? 2. Which class will be the best to do big pulls + big damage?
  8. handsomedgc

    Is there a quick way to get to maldraxxus as a fresh level 11?

    Is there a quick way to get to maldraxxus as a fresh level 11?
  9. handsomedgc

    My Hardcore F2P Account Journey

    Would a warrior be able to solo as effective as a paladin?
  10. handsomedgc

    19 Twink insta-BiS Wotlk PServer

    I'll be there
  11. handsomedgc

    Yea it does

    Yea it does
  12. handsomedgc

    Game Suggestion Needed

    Borderlands (all the games) I've been addicted to Gunfire Reborn, cannot recommend this enough.
  13. handsomedgc

    fighting games and old emulation

    Try out fightcade, it is THE place for what you are looking for.
  14. handsomedgc

    Feeling stuck in my 20's

    Hi guys, This is thread to talk about feeling stuck in my 20's, I'm looking for people who feel they are in the same boat and advice from those who feel like it. I know this is a twinking forum, but most of you guys and girls are pretty look pretty resourcefull ingame and real life. My...
  15. handsomedgc

    Among is ?

    Among is ?