Recent content by Drayner

  1. Drayner

    Does <Dominate> still play?

    Hello @Slyfox You know I don't play anymore, but got some kind of notification so I logged in and saw our name.
  2. Drayner

    Useless Fishing Tournament Info

    When I used to play, I used to be quite the fisherman. Multiple hats in a day, etc... In fact, I once caught 3 hats on 3 different 19s in 1 hour. Anyhow, that's ancient history, like me. Since I came back a month ago, I have been fishing on my 20. I already had Boots, Hat, and Arcanite Fishing...
  3. Drayner

    I'm not complaining, I'm asking a question.

    Just my 2 cents. I recently returned after years away from wow. I decided to make a 20. Random BGs are littered with hunters, healbotted hunters at that. Premades of hunters and heals. Not very fun. Have fun hunters.
  4. Drayner

    Playing the Long Game

    Not anymore. I played on launch for about 3 hours after waiting in queue for 4 hours. The next night, 3 hours into waiting, I said piss on this and dropped tickets to Blizzard to refund my game time for 2 accounts. I was already irritated because my company was on strike and I wasn't getting...
  5. Drayner

    Playing the Long Game

    /wave Jadyn
  6. Drayner

    US Guild Punishment Recruiting 19 Pagle

    PM me the info and I will pop in there tonight. My memory is bad, but let's see if I can remember this all correctly. GP is the guild in Vindication that I played against when I was with Torkd as GotDots, GotStabs, and GotArrows right? Then I played with y'all in Cyclone on Suramar Alliance...
  7. Drayner

    US Guild Punishment Recruiting 19 Pagle

    Hello. Sincerely, GotDots <TIP> PS. I am not playing, but interested to know who is coming out of retirement for this?
  8. Drayner

    No. Classic is fine, but waiting 3-5 hours in queue to get a chance to play makes the boner soft...

    No. Classic is fine, but waiting 3-5 hours in queue to get a chance to play makes the boner soft pretty quick. Not interested in paying to wait around.
  9. Drayner

    To whoever runs this website now.

    You can get it free. Just type it in. That's all I did. I might not even be the creator of Twinkinfo for all most of you know.
  10. Drayner

    Craziest "launch" screenshots

    I used to do that too. Back in the day, I would roll new 19s on Quel'Thalos <sp> and then xfer them to where I wanted them. I wonder if they will allow transfers.
  11. Drayner

    Craziest "launch" screenshots

    Very impressive. After 2 nights of 3-5 hour queues to even get into the game, I've given up and had Blizz refund me for both accounts and here you are getting an AGM before I even got to level 8 on a toon.
  12. Drayner

    Thank you Blizzard. I appreciate the prompt refunds for my accounts.

    Thank you Blizzard. I appreciate the prompt refunds for my accounts.
  13. Drayner

    To whoever runs this website now.

    Yes, Daman Kirklin, was who I sold TI to.
  14. Drayner

    To whoever runs this website now.

    I'm not questioning them for calling themselves founder, I wondered what qualified the badge. I got my answer privately and completely satisfied with the answer. I guess the question wasn't asked clear enough. The amount I sold twinkinfo for was really quite low. I could have gotten more based...
  15. Drayner

    To whoever runs this website now.

    Update: I received a reply from MMO Champions. I'm OK with their continued use of the image. I'm pretty sure the staff here doesn't mind either.