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  • Thinking about becoming the guy that mistakes Bob And Doug quotes for a personality.
    Thinking about becoming the guy that mistakes Letterkenny quotes for a personality
    Starting to think some of these folks are really just almond on troll accounts. There's no way anyone actually cares this much.
    I've seen a couple and I don't think our general lack of cc and cool downs poses much of a threat to anyone
    I've been hanging behind everyone and waiting till someones at 5% and then jump in - executing. It's funny and the only way I feel useful
    Oi Chops, it is Lovelily from Gnomeregan. We were bnet friends long ago with Devika and Geekz. From TBC to Wrath, though I did play a 39 balance druid before rolling paladin on horde side. Regardless, I did see you were active here and posting recent messages and I am reaching out to old friends.

    Feel free to add me back: OYKAmi#1374 on battlenet or oykami#8210 on discord.
    Come to think of it, I can't think of a single piece of gear worth re rolling for on a horde shaman...
    having a single trade forum (not broken up by bracket) in which folks can post a single thread with their merch would be nice.
    Love to have a homepage that's nothing but people trying to unload gear none wants in brackets nobody plays
    This site really needs a mood active enough to care about fixing the trade forums
    @ohti Chris couldnt use it on his twinks
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    Reactions: ohti
    you just saved this broke student $110 thanks
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