Current state of TI


aka Cropdusterx
I am making this thread to at least try to bring some attention to the current state of this website, after Myrm took over i noticed mods seemed more lax and people have been taking advantage of that, something needs to be done. You cant even have a civilized thread about food with out some 14 year old attention seeker taking a steamy deuce on it. No one i know at least is satisfied with how this site is right now, Mods i'm not telling you how to do your job but please at least try to help make this site better.
Roboartist used to be good and keeping people in line speaking of the 20-29 section specifically. For example Neon can open countless threads and flame other people on their own threads, That have nothing meaningful or positive to contribute to the community. Or jamesb making an obnoxious thread about the 20-29 bracket. It's just general toxic behavior that really isn't needed. Who knows maybe its what you guys like is reading threads everyone claiming to be the best, but i liked reading about new interesting things people found in game, when this site had an actual sense of community in it. Not a bunch of people running around un-monitered shitting on every thread in site. Make of this thread what you will, i just feel like something needed to be said.
No. Censorship is what killed this website before. Don't need any more of this political correct feminist bullshit. People should always be allowed to express their views without dumb cunts like you who think that swearing and controversial debates are immature. Don't need more women on this site.
No. Censorship is what killed this website before. Don't need any more of this political correct feminist bullshit. People should always be allowed to express their views without dumb cunts like you who think that swearing and controversial debates are immature. Don't need more women on this site.

i don't see any "controversial debates" just a bunch of 12 year olds calling each other faggots.
i been sayin it for weeks

I believe there needs to be a mediocre amount of moderation on this site. While drama is great for twink brackets, there's certain things that need monitoring.

Then again, my popcorn sales go down when mods step in.
I like how the 20s section is messier than the 29s section yet 29s are painted as the more "toxic" community. Though i'm not sure if it's always like this because I haven't been here long.
even though 90% of todays threads are either terrible trolling or simply bullshit,TI would be dead without drama/shitty threads (atleast until legion)

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