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Warrior | Keyser's Warrior Guide |
Paladin | Brokendemon's Paladin Guide Eliot's Protection Paladin Guide / jenks33's Protection Paladin gear sets Battlepøpe's Holy Paladin Guide |
Hunter | Pinochet's Hunter Guide / some pre-BoA Horde gear Pinochet has also offered: "I believe BM to be the stronger hunter spec, at least for BGs. I only switch to marks/surv for short periods to **** around. I'm perfectly fine with being messaged by random people who want advice on the spec." |
Rogue | SekcMustard's Rogue Guide |
Priest | |
Shaman | Pinochet's Resto Shaman Guide |
Mage | Deadvulcano's Mage Guide |
Warlock | |
Druid | MrCer's Druid Guide |
Please reroll Fury or Prot. Arms is so much garbage -_-I'm one of the only Arms warriors I've seen around, just 2 arena masters and 1200 honor away from crit-stacking BiS if you want to throw my armory under the references. Armory is in my signature, just click the image.
I'll give you several good reasons why Arms is bad:Lol. In your opinion. If you're good at the class and play Arms for a while Fury just starts to feel weak and clunky. But that's my opinion.
I have 20.20% Crit (self buffed) and an affinity for getting in healers/flag carriers personal space and it usually makes for good mojo on the field. But feel free to keep playing the way that everyone else plays forever, and I'll keep playing the way I enjoy playing forever. Because we'd really hate to break the mold and discover different/better/unique alternatives to playing classes.
I'm right because I can base my statements on my own observations and experience, during almost a full year of F2P and 15 days played on a Warrior. . I'll Crippling Thrown kite you next time I meet you.I'll just go ahead and say you're" right" since you're so desperate to prove a point simply based on the fact that you don't agree with someone on the subject in question.
You are a gentleman and a scholar. Good day to you, Sir.
When did you decide for everyone that not liking a certain spec makes you inherently bad at it?He said he's speaking from experience so one could only assume that he played arms and he wasn't good at it.
Yes. Your name isn't Veintebad for nothing, amirite? <3.So by your definition, if I have tried all three spec on my priest with 16 days played, decided that disc is better than holy, that makes me bad at playing holy?
You said, and I quote:I said arms. What's with you people and not reading? Lmao.
You're assuming this because he feels the spec is inferior through experience, when you have never met him ingame to see how he plays. I cant think of a single reason why your reasoning would be solely restricted to warriors, so that makes me "bad" at holy priest?just because Mialo is bad at Arms Warrior