Level 10s in the 10-19 PvP Bracket. Why the Hate?


I've noticed that recently many people despise level 10s in the 10-19 PvP bracket. I myself play a level 10 Feral Druid and I have been since the end of Cataclysm and into Mists of Pandaria. Most games I can hold my own and score pretty well as well as having several useful items for my team including the Alliance Battle Standard and Drums of Fury. But even after I provide my team with everything I can they still seem to think I'm no good and that I shouldn't be PvPing. I'll leave a link below to my character and also a few pictures of some games I played. Anyways if anybody can explain why people hate on level 10s so much I'd very much appreciate it.

My Armory - [US] Ace - Bladefist

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It's intentionally playing sub optimally, which falls under the definition of griefing really. Anything you could do at 10 you could surely do better at 19. As long as that's the case there will always be the perception that you are dragging down the potential of the match.

It's just a bit selfish is all.
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Prior to the BG change with everyone scaling to x9 the reason everyone hated 10's was that we were stupidly OP, even against 19's. Now with the change 10's stat scaling is meh and we have less capability compared to 19's. Basically 10's can't catch a break :D
anything you do on a level 10 you could do and then some on a 19. at level level 10 druids (since you play a druid) dont get travel form and dont get a mobility talent. thats without even counting the smaller details
Honestly it isnt hate against 10s per se, its that 10s fail to see that they are making their team fight a 9v10, 9½ v 10 at best.. it gets frustrating that 9 ppl have to endure a loss or uphill battle to accommodate some1 refusing to play his class at the full potential
Honestly it isnt hate against 10s per se, its that 10s fail to see that they are making their team fight a 9v10, 9½ v 10 at best.. it gets frustrating that 9 ppl have to endure a loss or uphill battle to accommodate some1 refusing to play his class at the full potential

We dont fail, we like the challenge :) I shouldnt be topping dmg as a 10 lock in theory right? And yes i went for efc the chances i could :p
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We dont fail, we like the challenge :) I shouldnt be topping dmg as a 10 lock in theory right? And yes i went for efc the chances i could :p

it's not fair to expect anyone else to care about your self imposed challenges in a team game though, and that's what this thread is about
I find it hilarious that pre-BG change nobody wanted 10's in the Bracket because we were too OP. Since the change nobody wants 10's in the bracket because we're not equivalent to 19's in scaling. Basically nobody wants 10's around lol.
I've noticed that recently many people despise level 10s in the 10-19 PvP bracket. I myself play a level 10 Feral Druid and I have been since the end of Cataclysm and into Mists of Pandaria. Most games I can hold my own and score pretty well as well as having several useful items for my team including the Alliance Battle Standard and Drums of Fury. But even after I provide my team with everything I can they still seem to think I'm no good and that I shouldn't be PvPing. I'll leave a link below to my character and also a few pictures of some games I played. Anyways if anybody can explain why people hate on level 10s so much I'd very much appreciate it.

My Armory - [US] Ace - Bladefist

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You can present them with facts and it won't change their minds. Just as they can, have presented you with facts and have not changed your mind.

Well mostly because my toon means quite alot to me and before Warlords I used to ONLY do World PvP. Killing anything from level 10-45, either by myself or with other level 10 twinks. Then Warlords dropped and everything changed, now I can only really do BGs since hit chance was completely removed along with spirit giving hit.
Well mostly because my toon means quite alot to me and before Warlords I used to ONLY do World PvP. Killing anything from level 10-45, either by myself or with other level 10 twinks. Then Warlords dropped and everything changed, now I can only really do BGs since hit chance was completely removed along with spirit giving hit.
Don't let crybaby 19's change your mind, if you want to stay 10, then stay 10. There are a lot of bullies that play 19's, don't let them get you down. Be proud of what your 10 means to you.
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I find the "I do it for a challenge" argument to have some flaws. Do you honostly not feel a challenge when playing at 19? I find that very hard to believe. If bgs wasnt challenging wouldn't you easily carry every single game to victory? Or is it 1v1 scenarios that aren't challenging enough? In that case, the argument is selfish and sloppy, as battlegrounds are a team endeavor. You are honostly just gimping yourself and your team with you, which is why I personally think you should keep your 10s to world pvp / dueling / whatever you might like to do, and make a 19 for bgs. I know I have no right to command people to not queue bg on whatever character they feel like, just stating my opinion on things.
I find the argument "you're gimping your team as a 10" to be ironic because pre-WOD every single one of those 19's were complaining that 10's should'nt que because we (LvL 10's) would destroy the 19's. If you're good at your Class and good at PvP while having very good gear (for level 10) and can manage middle of the leaderboard in DPS (as example) then there's no **** reason you shouldn't be there, period. All the 19's crying about it can either deal with 10's queing or make premades of 19's only.
I am confused by the Pre-WoD comments too. BG brackets were 10-14 and 15-19 then. Unless there was a few weeks of prepatch where things got weird that I wasn't playing to see? Have a random SS, the 10-14 games we organised back in MoP were really imbalanced and not very fun at all.

Edit: My point is, who were all these 19's complaining about how OP 10's were when they didn't get into the same games.

I find the argument "you're gimping your team as a 10" to be ironic because pre-WOD every single one of those 19's were complaining that 10's should'nt que because we (LvL 10's) would destroy the 19's. If you're good at your Class and good at PvP while having very good gear (for level 10) and can manage middle of the leaderboard in DPS (as example) then there's no **** reason you shouldn't be there, period. All the 19's crying about it can either deal with 10's queing or make premades of 19's only.

You make it sound like damage is everything. Thing is, from lvl 10-19 you get alot of essential spells for battlegrounds.

Rogues: Sap and kick. Sap is a great spell, and cc's an enemy for a whole 7 seconds, and can be used to slow down efc to help team catch up, or to protect fc for incoming threats (this is just a drop in the sea of all the possibilities). Kick is quite self-explanatory and actually makes it possible to kill a healer.
Druids: Displacer beast / Wild Charge; essential for fcs and very good for feral / boomie to catch up to an enemy. Regrowth / Starsurge is also nice spells to have.
Hunters: Disengage is an absolute necessity for a hunter, and without it you give up the one mobility spell that makes you so viable in bg scenarios.
Mages and Warlocks: Fear / polymorph; do I honostly have to say more?
Shammys: Purge, shear, cleanse and ghostwolf: Yea, you'd be pretty **** useless without this.

This is just a little bit of the spells you loose by staying at lvl 10. Honostly, it's not challenging yourself, it's limiting yourself, making it easier to play, reducing your class' skillcap.
Ive been playing 10s since B.C. There have been many changes for 10s to over come in the last 11 years. The game is constantly changing. There have been times when 10s were the best out there, and times like now when 10s are a hindrance to the team. Times like these are when you need to branch out and try other options. Just keep your 10s around and on the back burner because you never know what the next patch might change.
Level 10 twinks have changed a lot throughout my days on my Warrior. WoD is not our finest day but it'll come around. Like what [MENTION=5618]Dodgeyou[/MENTION] said, play something different in the meanwhile if you don't like the current changes to 10s.

As for my 10, I BG whenever I have the time (busy with work). I love the attention 19s give me. They make me feel fabulous and special.

I said this 5 times before but I'll say it again: This is the 10-19 bracket. Not the 19-19 bracket. Wouldn't it be funny if they knew that? Let's keep it a secret for now.

On a totally irrelevant note, I killed Pizza 1v1 in WSG on my 10 while he was FCing. I killed him right in front of their FR. On an even more irrelevant note, I died a fraction of a second later thus couldn't get the return. They capped anyway.
It's up to you to judge if that's "useless"
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I find the argument "you're gimping your team as a 10" to be ironic because pre-WOD every single one of those 19's were complaining that 10's should'nt que because we (LvL 10's) would destroy the 19's. If you're good at your Class and good at PvP while having very good gear (for level 10) and can manage middle of the leaderboard in DPS (as example) then there's no **** reason you shouldn't be there, period. All the 19's crying about it can either deal with 10's queing or make premades of 19's only.

When exactly did 10s dominate 19s? Because there were separate brackets for many years, and as of WoD, 10s are not good.

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