Community Project: The New Bis Boots and Gloves [potentially]


Achievement Hunting
Alright guys.

I found something really weird while looking for xmogs on my 10 twink through MogIt. I found that Blackrock Chain Boots - Item - World of Warcraft as xmoggable. I thought it weird that those would show available for my level 10.. Turns out, these boots not only do not have level requirements, but that they are dropped from mobs (0.1%). If you look at the mobs loot tables you will find boots for all classes. There is also a pair of gloves that drop with the same ilvl.
Now this might turn out to be a complete fluke and not work out, but it would not be fair to not try to get them.

The tricky part is that they are dropped from mobs within the "Assault on the Dark Portal" zone, and this is why we need each other'so help in order to potentially get the new Bis items. I have some experience in phasing but not to this extent. It would require someone that is still questing within this zone and somehow zone people in with them (maybe like a lock summon of some sort).

Let's try to do this together, share theories and ideas. This could turn out to be very interesting if it works out!! :)
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You didn't know about these? You can buy the whole set on the black market auction house mah nigga.

Seriously? I had no clue you could get those off the BMAH. Have you ever seen them on? You sure it's those ones? Pretty damn neat if so, but super rare to find since I've checked the BMAH everyday for a solid 3 months now lol
You didn't know about these? You can buy the whole set on the black market auction house mah nigga.

I've never seen these items on the black market auction house (I've checked the bmah everyday since release on 2 different servers). They are not on wowhead's list iirc.
Seems broken if they are obtainable on lower levels. I wouldnt invest time and money into it when it probably will just cause alot of drama. Pretty cool find though
I have the addon MogIt and it shows all the potential items you can get to your current level, and I seen many more items than these that BoP with high level stats

ill get links later
I feel like people are getting more and more stupid now days
There are rings and bracers as well. I started farming them two months ago, but it got boring very fast. All the items that you could potentially obtain as drops can be found here.
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I believe these may have only been obtainable in the first few days of WoD and are now disabled.

I have talked to GMs about these items on a few occasions. One GM said that they do not exist (Even though there are armories of people with these items). Another GM said that there are no patch notes on these items being removed, but that they are also not allowed to give information about drop rates.

I put solid effort into farming at least one of these items myself, killing enough mobs to reasonably assume that they do not drop anymore.

If someone puts in the effort and does manage to get any of these items to drop, kudos to you.
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