Worst Revival I've Ever Seen

For the next time 39s try coming back to life:

Bisnation.net Ghetto Q List | bisnation.net

I signed up to check it out. The questions are very yoube like, I like it. I got a couple of questions though. Is there a way to delete yourself after you have signed up? Could it be like a pop up so i can see the whole chart without having to scroll left and right on it? Can you separate between horde and alliance (i realize you select b/e horde or alliance) or would they all just show up in order of sign in? I think this is a great re-initiative yoube!
I signed up to check it out. The questions are very yoube like, I like it. I got a couple of questions though. Is there a way to delete yourself after you have signed up? Could it be like a pop up so i can see the whole chart without having to scroll left and right on it? Can you separate between horde and alliance (i realize you select b/e horde or alliance) or would they all just show up in order of sign in? I think this is a great re-initiative yoube!


There is no way to remove yourself. At first, this had me ready to not continue, but then I remembered almost no one ever took themselves off the original Q list anyway. I will be able to manually remove people and wipe it every morning after games. If it looks like people signing up and not playing becomes an issue on nights I am unable to play then I can share the login information with one or two other people to help keep things as accurate as possible.

The left/right scrolling is there because the table itself is wider than the page.

You can sort the table by any column. Simply click a desired columns header and it will sort the data for you accordingly. I put in a quick how to above the table so people know this is an option.

I will also actually finish up the guides by the end of the week.
A link to guides already up: Level 39 | bisnation.net
A Q list! That is truly awesome, I always thought that was an invaluable tool, especially for brackets with lower population. Thanks for putting that together : )
Most definitely. Can anyone provide us with schedules for the other brackets so we can work to avoid stepping on any toes?

To my knowledge, 19s play every night. 99s had fridays as their set days to do wargames/arenas (i'm not sure if they are continuing this). 20-29s play everyday I don't think there is any set group there that does wargames, unless we are talking about F2Ps and veteran status. I heard from a couple of people that people wanted to try tuesday for 39s before the bracket died again, so that should be the day it starts again. However, I still stand by my opinion of waiting about a month before trying to revive the bracket again, if you try too early and it doesn't work out again people will be really annoyed to try again anytime soon.
Any thoughts on not having game night on a Friday?

Helbent said:
Most definitely. Can anyone provide us with schedules for the other brackets so we can work to avoid stepping on any toes?

Well, as far as I'm aware, there's no other activity that relies on a scheduled night. Pretty much all other brackets are either dead or play daily. You're never going to be able to schedule 39s game nights without 'stepping on toes.'

Fird said:
To my knowledge, 19s play every night. 99s had fridays as their set days to do wargames/arenas (i'm not sure if they are continuing this). 20-29s play everyday I don't think there is any set group there that does wargames, unless we are talking about F2Ps and veteran status. I heard from a couple of people that people wanted to try tuesday for 39s before the bracket died again, so that should be the day it starts again. However, I still stand by my opinion of waiting about a month before trying to revive the bracket again, if you try too early and it doesn't work out again people will be really annoyed to try again anytime soon.

I think anyone interested in 39s is going to have to adapt their revival strategy. Instead of making a 'call to arms' style post and getting a show of hands in favor of activity, they should just grab people for wargames and build a following over the long term, like we did for 29s in MoP. BGs aren't nearly as fun as they used to be, so I think it will be hard to get a lot of people interested in them (enough to revive the bracket, anyway). Skirms/Wargames are easy to get going (they only require a fraction of the people) and are much more flexible in terms of numbers and organization efforts. You don't have to have 20+ people interested to get games going. You can start with as few as 4 and adapt to include as many as 9 before you have to start thinking about BGs.

Speaking on a more personal note, I dislike seeing so little activity in the mid brackets. I would love to support 29s, 39s, and 49s wargames activity if anyone wants to step up to help lead it. I blame everyone flocking to the 20-29 bracket for the lack of activity in the mid brackets. We need to get away from this mindset of instant gratification when it comes to twinking, otherwise we will never have quality games.
Definitely with you on that - I think we need to put some distance between us and this latest disappointment.

I would however be up for some arenas...

I sent a btag request, not sure if you got it. I would be down to try and help set up some arenas going meanwhile.

Well, as far as I'm aware, there's no other activity that relies on a scheduled night. Pretty much all other brackets are either dead or play daily. You're never going to be able to schedule 39s game nights without 'stepping on toes.'

I think anyone interested in 39s is going to have to adapt their revival strategy. Instead of making a 'call to arms' style post and getting a show of hands in favor of activity, they should just grab people for wargames and build a following over the long term, like we did for 29s in MoP. BGs aren't nearly as fun as they used to be, so I think it will be hard to get a lot of people interested in them (enough to revive the bracket, anyway). Skirms/Wargames are easy to get going (they only require a fraction of the people) and are much more flexible in terms of numbers and organization efforts. You don't have to have 20+ people interested to get games going. You can start with as few as 4 and adapt to include as many as 9 before you have to start thinking about BGs.

Speaking on a more personal note, I dislike seeing so little activity in the mid brackets. I would love to support 29s, 39s, and 49s wargames activity if anyone wants to step up to help lead it. I blame everyone flocking to the 20-29 bracket for the lack of activity in the mid brackets. We need to get away from this mindset of instant gratification when it comes to twinking, otherwise we will never have quality games.

The only problem that arises with this is that not everyone enjoys arena and making the jump from arenas to full blown out games has been difficult in the past. That's the only reason I like the call to arms threads, to get that big bump from the get go. I would say that if next time we try to revive this bracket, we see it might not work out, we can always fall back and do wargames to keep the interest and help it grow slowly. But i don't think it would hurt to try for 1 game night from the get go and adapting as we see it unfold.
Hey all,

You guys are making this way way more complicated than it needs to be...bottom line... arenas,bgs or wargames the same system is required. Communication!!!

A lot of people in this bracket really wanna play games/arena/wargames ...any kind of activity but they aren't doing the crucial step, which is communicating with everyone else. This is about 80% the requirement for activity to happen. I'm getting a lot of feedback from people who are deeply interested but aren't leaving any contact info or trying to contact others. Just wanting to Q randomly.

I have a vision for how this can work out but it requires some work on everybody's end, we need to focus the pool of 39 players into as very little amount of guilds as possible then things will start working. This system of someone just saying Q and whoever Qs on whatever days just isn't cutting it right now.

UPDATE-closing in on 10 39 twinks almost fully decked out. Still looking for an alliance guild to make some 39s and commit to the cause!!!
I just want to be able to add one person who will then organize everyone else via battletag; I don't want to add 1 person who has a few other people. The effort needed from a bracketmaster is enormous. It's not surprising [MENTION=23595]bigmoran[/MENTION] failed with the miniscule effort he was willing to put in.
This shows why the Brat Pack still needs the Soccer Dads - experience, wisdom, and organizational skills.

And vice versa - passion and enthusiasm
Some people may go out on the weekends. I know I do. I would certainly hope that most people here have social activities outside of WoW. A weeknight may be preferable.

The reason why Friday was chosen to start was because the Aussie's were bringing about 10 people that first night between them and their guildmates who they queued with. They didn't make it past the first week.

Weekdays are also better for me. If I tried to stay in and play WoW EVERY Friday, DW would have a fit.
paynefull said:
Just wanting to Q randomly.

This is a pipe dream for any bracket but 20-29. You don't have a steady influx of new players being put into XP off games @ 39, so random queuing whenever you want to will not give you results. That's why you have to organize activity in the first place. Best way is to do what I suggested. Start small, grab a few friends, and invite more people as time goes on.
This is a pipe dream for any bracket but 20-29. You don't have a steady influx of new players being put into XP off games @ 39, so random queuing whenever you want to will not give you results. That's why you have to organize activity in the first place. Best way is to do what I suggested. Start small, grab a few friends, and invite more people as time goes on.

Thats precisely the plan [MENTION=12370]willix[/MENTION] ,at this moment we are just gathering players, and they are coming along almost at 10 geared 39s and still have some leveling. Managed to get some arena's in Friday and hopefully we can start doing more and more on Fridays(date can change depending on attendance) . The one piece we are missing from the puzzle is an alliance guild to step up and commit to making some 39s!!!

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