Worst Revival I've Ever Seen

Give the guy a break. He didn't know what he was undertaking. He wanted to play a bracket he loves and made his best attempt at it. Instead of lashing out at him how about someone else volunteer to step up and take the reigns? Instead it's a viscous cycle of another revival failing, they all do albeit maybe not as fast, and the same couple of assholes pointing fingers at the guy with the good intentions.

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We said he had to be more involved in week 2. He didn't communicate well either on the BG forums or on TI.

All I asked was that he either called the revival over, or find someone who can perform the role. He lashed out like child, yet I'm the asshole?
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We said he had to be more involved in week 2. He didn't communicate well either on the BG forums or on TI.

All I ask is he either calls the revival over, or find someone who can perform the role. He lashed out like child, yet I'm the asshole?

Well, help him/her out instead of being so critical. You are taking the easy way. Step up! I am sure he/she would welcome it. Are you up to the challenge?

Well, help him/her out instead of being so critical. You are taking the easy way. Step up! I am sure he/she would welcome it. Are you up to the challenge?

Did you miss the post that I mentioned providing btag status updates between games with the current players online?
Give the guy a break. He didn't know what he was undertaking. He wanted to play a bracket he loves and made his best attempt at it. Instead of lashing out at him how about someone else volunteer to step up and take the reigns? Instead it's a viscous cycle of another revival failing, they all do albeit maybe not as fast, and the same couple of assholes pointing fingers at the guy with the good intentions.

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Hmm I only see nastay calling him out through out this whole thread. Would love to know who are the other "assholes" that are pointing fingers at the guy with good intentions. I see a lot of people blaming him for not helping (and instead criticizing), but apparently he is one if not the only person that actually did something to help organize the bracket on one of nights they had.

@nastay, if i were you I would just let it go, not worth your time.
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Hmm I only see nastay calling him out through out this whole thread. Would love to know who are the other "assholes" that are pointing fingers at the guy with good intentions. I see a lot of people blaming him for not helping (and instead criticizing), but apparently he is one if not the only person that actually did something to help organize the bracket on one of nights they had.

@nastay, if i were you I would just let it go, not worth your time.

There will be more that come out of the woodwork. Not referring to you bud. People should also know the risks involved in resubbing for any revival. Its such a terrible point to be made. How many twinks have I funded or partially funded? I've come to expect it.

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This is sad. :( I have not been able to Q 39s yet as I have either been at the wrong house for WoW OR I have had a prior commitment on friday night. I will be in Q next friday night on my fire wizard, and I hope to see all you friendly tinkers for some positive games :D
There will be more that come out of the woodwork. Not referring to you bud. People should also know the risks involved in resubbing for any revival. Its such a terrible point to be made. How many twinks have I funded or partially funded? I've come to expect it.

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Why am I an asshole for calling a spade a spade?
There will be more that come out of the woodwork. Not referring to you bud. People should also know the risks involved in resubbing for any revival. Its such a terrible point to be made. How many twinks have I funded or partially funded? I've come to expect it.

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I guess i read too much into your post then, my apologies. Thankfully, I was planning on resubbing since i just got my new console and much free time, but I do feel a bit bad for those people that resubbed for this. I do know that you have been an integral part of many revivals with your funding, trust me you are the twink pimp of doomhammer lol

Nastay could have taken a nicer approach about this, but let's get real that's simply not his style haha!

@Nastay, if you are really interested in taking the reins of this, which i would suggest against, there is some talk about switching the day to tuesday in the wow forums. My advice would be to end it for now and try again in one month or so when most students are in summer break.
Instead of lashing out at the guy with a thread title like this, use some constructive criticism. List what was done wrong and what we can learn from the situation. Thank the guy for making an attempt to spark activity. Certainly don't attack him. It could persuade future twinks from taking the same role in fear of backlash from the community. It could even persuade future twinks from joining the bracket at all. Something as delicate as this bracket and these revivals need to be nurtured far from the negative attitudes of a select few. Be grateful when we do get games in this dying niche of a dying game, leave the entitlement at the door.

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Instead of lashing out at the guy with a thread title like this, use some constructive criticism. List what was done wrong and what we can learn from the situation. Thank the guy for making an attempt to spark activity. Certainly don't attack him. It could persuade future twinks from taking the same role in fear of backlash from the community. It could even persuade future twinks from joining the bracket at all. Something as delicate as this bracket and these revivals need to be nurtured far from the negative attitudes of a select few. Be grateful when we do get games in this dying niche of a dying game, leave the entitlement at the door.

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Like the say goes...
Haters gonna hate.
They can not help it.

Well, help him/her out instead of being so critical. You are taking the easy way. Step up! I am sure he/she would welcome it. Are you up to the challenge?

Did you miss the post that I mentioned providing btag status updates between games with the current players online?
Guys, anyone who is truly committed to playing 39s on a Friday add me baje007#1292!

And with respect to this "failed revival" ,you can't honestly give someone wrong for trying. So far it seems that most people in this 39s thread wants to just sit back and Q only when they know Qs are gonna pop and not coordinate, which is unfair to the people who are really trying to make this thing happen. If your just a spectator or a person that is just complaining when someone is trying to make Qs pop then its only logical that your contributing to the problem.

Be a bro and communicate, interested in 39s...then say so...coordinate your efforts with people. There is no solo Qing for this bracket, it doesn't work.

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