FoTM classes and tiers (for now)

Just to keep everyone updated, we're progressing on the first big round of balance tuning changes. Coming in the new couple days will be adjustments to Assassination, Subtlety, Fury, Protection Warrior, All Death Knights, All Monks, All Mages, All Hunters, Shadow, Protection Paladins, Retribution, Guardian, Feral, Affliction, Demonology. Lots of number changes. To set expectations, our general strategy will be to nerf the couple OP specs (Fire, Fury, Demon), and buff the others to be competitive. Slight correction to that: A few others are coming down a tiny bit too, but those changes were already announced in my beta forum post.

Be ready, tables will turn soon..

And something for the class we "love" the most:

When re-balancing hunters could you maybe try to do it so the no.1 pet class actually does more damage with a pet than without?
That's actually one of the biggest changes coming for hunters; pets were significantly underperforming, especially non-BM.
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Blizzard quote: "our general strategy will be to nerf the couple OP specs (Fire, Fury, Demon)"

Good to know they're getting to the real heart of the imbalance :/

Fire mages and their uncounterable arsenal of overpowered abilities. Like strafe left. Strafe Right. Move forward. Fireball. Mounting up.
Good to know they're getting to the real heart of the imbalance :/

Fire mages and their uncounterable arsenal of overpowered abilities. Like strafe left. Strafe Right. Move forward. Fireball. Mounting up.

You forget something tho, they are looking from the end game perspective.

For example, fury spec is a killer atm at 90 pvp.

I have a friend that played Arms the whole WoD and now switched Fury because it's so imba compared to arms.
Mindy can 1v3 people on her 90 fire Almalexia @ Korgath - Community - World of Warcraft is op!

You forget something tho, they are looking from the end game perspective.

For example, fury spec is a killer atm at 90 pvp.

I have a friend that played Arms the whole WoD and now switched Fury because it's so imba compared to arms.

Yeah, I'm just poking fun at the effects it will have at 20. Kind of like nerfing a sloth's movement speed.
Good to know they're getting to the real heart of the imbalance :/

Fire mages and their uncounterable arsenal of overpowered abilities. Like strafe left. Strafe Right. Move forward. Fireball. Mounting up.
low-level fire maguses have had their time in the sun. bliz plz nerf fire to move pad only! kk thx, bai.
Good to know they're getting to the real heart of the imbalance :/

Fire mages and their uncounterable arsenal of overpowered abilities. Like strafe left. Strafe Right. Move forward. Fireball. Mounting up.

Can't stop laughing. I'm pretty sure spriests at 20 mount up better than any other spec. Clearly they should have been nerfed first. Though the heart of the problem with fire mages is how slow they can sit down. Maybe they will buff sitting speed for them in turn.
I haven't seen too much chatter about RDruids. Here to report I've had very respectable healing throughput at 950-1k Regrowth crits, nothing amazing but I don't feel underpowered. The interesting thing though is that cat/bear now hit pretty hard when stacking Intellect. I've had 1600-1800 FB crits in cat, 400-600 Mangle crits in bear. Not bad at all for heelz.
I wouldn't worry about fire mage nerfs, they're completely balanced at 100 and that's all that really matters. Blizzard knows better than to nerf ablities based off class performance at level 90 when they've witnessed max level testing for several months.

IF nerfs were to go out, it would be towards Blast Wave, which doesn't affect this bracket.
I haven't seen too much chatter about RDruids. Here to report I've had very respectable healing throughput at 950-1k Regrowth crits, nothing amazing but I don't feel underpowered. The interesting thing though is that cat/bear now hit pretty hard when stacking Intellect. I've had 1600-1800 FB crits in cat, 400-600 Mangle crits in bear. Not bad at all for heelz.
Resto druids are the strongest healers in this bracket by a pretty wide margin right now. The fact that they can output respectable damage in cat form is a huge bonus because it gives them something that the other healers don't have.

Disc is back to being a great large-scale BG healing spec since PW:S doesn't pop after one or two hits anymore.

Holy paladins are complete dog shit. Ret has stronger flash heals now and they can cast quite a few of them before going OOM. Ret can be played like a proper hybrid again since they don't go OOM in 3 seconds anymore.
Resto druids are the strongest healers in this bracket by a pretty wide margin right now. The fact that they can output respectable damage in cat form is a huge bonus because it gives them something that the other healers don't have.

Disc is back to being a great large-scale BG healing spec since PW:S doesn't pop after one or two hits anymore.

Holy paladins are complete dog shit. Ret has stronger flash heals now and they can cast quite a few of them before going OOM. Ret can be played like a proper hybrid again since they don't go OOM in 3 seconds anymore.

What about Resto shamans, tho? How're they comparing to other healers?

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