Can we get some good ally on
Played 2 games, imo it was far from fun. First game we just sat in mid for 18 min with full stacks and couldn't do anything due to the insane amount of damage(jetlife) and everyone in the damn game besides our healers had a hard-on for my water elemental (jetlife)Then with 3 minutes left our fc decides to pull a browntown when half our team is dead and loses the game. Extreme fun in the making right there. 2nd game we get rolled, idk had some fun 1v1s with sax but that was about it. Except that he shadowmelded my novas like 10 times in a row... All in all a great time in the bracket, I had a ton of fun /end sarcasm.
edit: I lied. There was one bit of fun and that was in shutting down rogues and those damn warriors by spamming my 1.6 sec frostbolt all day!
can u not farm GY with a 5man BH group.
sadly, both options are impossible.
what is the alternative? stand in mid? allow the enemy a greater chance at obtaining the flag only to be slain mercilessly after? if anything farming the GY is compassionate.
aaaaand thats why your bracket is dead -_-"
please provide me with an alternative.
19s have the best team work of any other bracket, they know how to fight as a 10 man pack, explain to me any other alternative way you can not kil them in mid after they have left the GY, do you allow them to pass in mid field whilst stayin your 10 man pack? seems to make zero sense to me
19s had 2 games going at once with one thread suggesting to que, thats a pretty active bracket i think
Played 2 games, imo it was far from fun. First game we just sat in mid for 18 min with full stacks and couldn't do anything due to the insane amount of damage(jetlife) and everyone in the damn game besides our healers had a hard-on for my water elemental (jetlife)Then with 3 minutes left our fc decides to pull a browntown when half our team is dead and loses the game. Extreme fun in the making right there. 2nd game we get rolled, idk had some fun 1v1s with sax but that was about it. Except that he shadowmelded my novas like 10 times in a row... All in all a great time in the bracket, I had a ton of fun /end sarcasm.
edit: I lied. There was one bit of fun and that was in shutting down rogues and those damn warriors by spamming my 1.6 sec frostbolt all day!
I was playing a stam/haste stacking frost mage for the FUN of it, not because I wanted to top charts. I had no boas and a 3 int 1 spirit offhand on a mage I just threw together to play some games on. I was still 4th team dmg with 10 kbs and 4 deaths. I did it for FUN. And I don't get how you call those games good, after both FCs picked and crossed we just sat in mid randomly 1 shotting a few ppl then both teams fell back to wait for GY rezzes. And 2nd game was just a roflstomp. Didn't see anything in those 2 games that made me want to Q 19s anytime soon.honestly tho u cant expect it go well as a frost mage. fire and arc are both definately better at 19 now. and dont lie those games were incomparably funner than 20-24 bracket games. the only shitty games were the ones that turned into GY farming within 1-2 minutes of the game starting, which if i recall were only the LAST few games bcuz of pizza & some others. maybe i just dont recall farming if my groups the one doing it though, but im still pretty sure those two games you were in were much more difficult to land caps in than the games following it
I was playing a stam/haste stacking frost mage for the FUN of it, not because I wanted to top charts. I had no boas and a 3 int 1 spirit offhand on a mage I just threw together to play some games on. I was still 4th team dmg with 10 kbs and 4 deaths. I did it for FUN. And I don't get how you call those games good, after both FCs picked and crossed we just sat in mid randomly 1 shotting a few ppl then both teams fell back to wait for GY rezzes. And 2nd game was just a roflstomp. Didn't see anything in those 2 games that made me want to Q 19s anytime soon.
edit: 20-24 games don't have random people with 1k hp tho, even the baddies have like 1.2-1.4k