The Trial Journal - Issue 2


the F2P PvEr
From EU to US...
From AB to WSG...
From Druid to Warrior...
From Trialmop to Wizkid...

Issue 2, 13th November 2013
The Trial Journal

------> Druids v .3 ----------------> Warriors ^ 3.2 ------------------------> Mages ^ .002 -----------------------------> Shamans^ 1.8 ----------------------------------->

Hero's Call!

Hello everyone!

I hope you liked the previous Trial Journal issue, because here comes the next one.

Lately on Blizzcon we heard that the new expansion will be Warlords of Draenor, and with that plenty of changes come that affect F2Ps, such as item squish, accountwide heirlooms and new character models. You can read more about it in these threads:

Accountwide Heirlooms
Vanity items and tabards
Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P
Warlords of Draenor UI changes

We got no Screenshot of the week, which is disappointing. Before next Wednesday please send any screenshot where you caught something funny or really cool to Crystalpall or Sevenslacks7 via PM.

*Quick note, if you are having trouble viewing the right side of the article because it is cut off… use your arrow keys to move the text right and left, or scroll down and there will be a scroll bar right after the “Did You Know Section”*

By Crystal
  • If you want to be interviewed for the interview section of the journal, or just want to contribute to the journal... pm Crystalpall or Sevenslacks7 about it, we can fit you into one of the upcoming copy's of the journals :)
  • The Trial Journal wants your screenshots! Send a Private Message to Crystalpall or Sevenslacks7 containing a screenshot of something you have achieved and you are proud of- ie attaining a rare item or pet, new mount, getting alot of kills in a scoreboard, or accomplishing a difficult achievement - it will be posted :)
  • We want /appreciate your feedback! In the comments write about what you liked reading in the trial Journal or disliked, what should be changed, what new things can be added - every opinion is priceless!

F2P Arena Highlight
Korgath Arena Changes!

So earlier this expansion, the Korgath F2P arena server was started by a few of this forums members.
From its start to now it has been a source of casual pickup arena games for F2P characters ranging from people new to arenas to 2k+ rated players.

As of now a few changes have been made to accommodate players on Korgath horde who want to do arenas.
All of the changes can be view here; the gist of it is that queues will now occur in Dalaran, world PvP will occur in Crystaline Forest between Korgath Horde and Alliance, and the amount of crz queueing will be cut down significantly.

~By Sevenslacks7

The Interview

Every issue we will post an interview with someone well known in the F2P bracket - The amount of people is huge so don't worry if you are not picked in first few issues!

For our second issue we have interviewed the editor of the journal, and forum friend Oldspike aka Sevenslacks7 from Mok'Nathal. Enjoy!

Journal: *cough*
Hey oldspike! Nice to see you! Do you have a moment to spare for an interview for the Trial Journal?
Oldspike: *Looks around* Me? Well sure, why not... how are you today?
J: I'm fine thanks :) it's day free of work in my country today, so I missed the dreaded monday :D And how are you?
O: I am good thanks, it is also a holiday in the United States as well, Veterans day.
J: So, Oldspike, tell us a little about yourself - where do you live, how old are you etc :)
O: I live just west of Chicago, im 19, I like to run, bike, scooter, ride my motorcycle, pretty much do anything where im going fast xD (and dangerous if possible ;) )
J: It's an interview about WoW so I will slowly step into these climates - what was the thing that made you play on F2P account?
Was warrior your first F2P twink?
O: (wall of text inc) I just like trying to get the most out of my account, and it being free is a bonus because im kind of a cheap b*****d
about spending money. :p And Mage was actually my first F2P 'twink' and my first character period.
I made him back in Wrath and actually thought back then that gear was not good to use since you have to waste money repairing it...
so I think its safe to say ive come a long way :p

J: Ok :) interesting. Now please tell me, why warrior? I know that your main F2P is a warrior Oldspike, and it was quite a big change from a mage :)
O: Well I made Oldspike back in Wrath as well, and he was Prot back then as well as most of the other expansions that I have twinked in
(minus most of MoP for some obvious reasons). In Cata, when I learned that people where actually twinking their f2p toons I wanted to give it a try,
and when I went on to see that most people where Hunters Druids Paladins and Rogues I wanted to be a bit diffrent, so I resurected Oldspike.
J: What are your main things to do on your toons? Do you prefer PvP or maybe collecting stuff?
O: Well, I liked pvp back in cata, I would pug on my Prot warrior and FC, but now, if I am doing anything pvp related its in a small premade (me, Bop, and anyone else on Mok'Nathal).
Atm I am actually working towards getting the Sea Turtle on Oldspike.
J: the Sea Turtle is also avoiding me, so I wish you good luck because I know what's the feeling ^^
What spec are you playing currently and why? What do you think about current fury weakness?
O: Oh god... if I dove into fury it might take a hour haha. I am arms atm, because Prot is still pretty mongoloid, has been for most of MoP.
That is just because all it is now is Shield Slam Thunder Clap, and Heroic Strike when you are dumping.
Arms is also pretty stupid right now, but it takes a BIT more skill than Prot so thats why I play it.
Fury... in short, is just unusable; all warriors have been this expansion is Damage and damage mitigation...
since fury has no damage it has nothing.
J: Ok, we are slowly getting to the end, it's time for quick questions! Are you ready?
O: Sure
J: Wow?
O: Sham
J: Bg?
O: The __ ‘s
J: Fury?
O: Lord...
J: Aerie Peak?
O: Premade on _______
J: Hahaha nice :) Well thanks for the interview. Is there anyone you want to greet?

O: The love of my life, my sun and stars, Bôp.
And my best bud Earlwing.

From the Shadows

Part 2

Norhaeus quickly hid in the hut nearby. After he ran in he sat in the corner contemplating what he just found, a small black eyepatch. It was lying
in his hand, it appeared so harmless, yet he felt the power it contained. Norhaeus took a few deep breaths and stretched the patch over his eye like the skin of a drum.
A world not unlike the one he seemingly just left stretched before him - every bit of timber that spread across the hut could be seen at the root, every stone on the
pavement. As he ascended outside he noticed he was more agile. A tunnel caught his gaze, he skulked towards it and climbed onto its roof,
waiting for any enemy who would attempt to pass by. Only seconds passed before he spotted an Alliance Priest incoming to his tunnel.
Norhaeus swiftly jumped down and unsheathed his blades in apprehension. The Gnome stopped at the entrance suddenly and reared her head, like a helpless gazelle, but Norhaeus was already on her like white on rice. The Gnome was lucky enough to spot him lurking in the shadows just before the ambush. She attempted to Smite him down, but was interrupted by a swift kick from the Blood Elf. Hot blood sprayed though the air as Norhaeus slid both his daggers into the Gnome's rib cage. The Blood elf quickly disintegrated into the shadows. Never had taking a life come with such ease.
Norhaeus bought time in a shady corner, waiting for the match to end. Instantly upon the end of the game he was sent back to Orgrimmar. Still shocked about the gnomes untimely demise, a loud voice interrupted his thoughts:

The Blood elf quickly disintegrated into the shadows. Never had taking a life come with such ease.
Norhaeus bought time in a shady corner, waiting for the match to end. Instantly upon the end of the game he was sent back to Orgrimmar. Still shocked about the gnomes untimely demise, a loud voice interrupted his thoughts:
- Hey you! The warchief wants to talk to you!
Norhaeus was seized by two massive orc guardians and moved towards the Grommash Hold. After they arrived he was thrown on the ground before
Garrosh Hellscream.
- Warchief.... what have I done to deserve this.... pleasure?
- Ha... Funny guy A? Explain this black thing that has covered your eye... and your deference... spy!


Did you know? F2Ps can get over 6500 achievement points! At the moment the character with most achievement points is Фетисwith, with a whopping 5615 points!
By Crystalpall!​

Edited By Oldspike!​


Want to join Wandering isle stayers? Check it HERE!
Check out brand-new Wandering Isle wiki! CLICK
My Pandaren stayer
My F2P twink - Magtheridon EU

Ever wondered how it all started? Go to F2P History thread!

"More important than being the best is being the first" ~Rookguardian De'Bove​

"I saw the best mind of my generation run down by the drunken taxicabs of absolute reality." ~Allen Ginsberg

Bop + Oldspike F2P Arena's and PvP


I hope you liked this Issue. We will try to keep publishing them every Wednesday. Please send us screenshots to Crystalpall or Oldspike via Private Message. Also, looking forward for Your feedback in the comments :)

By Crystal
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I have a 1600x1200 monitor, and the frame of the journal is still giving me a horizontal scroll bar. I blame the forum formatting.
------> druids v .3 ----------------> warriors ^ 3.2 ------------------------> mages ^ .002 -----------------------------> shamans^ 1.8 ----------------------------------->

I'm curious what that is. lol Is it some coding for reference or indexing? :0

Fun read, though. Looking forward to next week's edition.

I'm curious what that is. lol Is it some coding for reference or indexing? :0

Fun read, though. Looking forward to next week's edition.

Class colours would be my guess as not all of em exist in the TI colour choices.
Inside joke between me and [MENTION=16968]sevenslacks7[/MENTION] ^^

Is it the stock of each class or something?

Anywho, how about a section that could highlight a part of a necro'd thread. Just to show what people thought back then and to give some readers the chance to see how things were before they were on the forum. Also, there are some gems back in these threads that alot of people would appreciate seeing again. I'm not saying to actually necro the thread, but just quote it or something. For instance, there are threads back there that have funny poems that people have made, or predictions about things that were right or horribly wrong. Some nostalgia is also fun to read about.

Also, don't feel pressured to write this every week, but I do enjoy reading it!
Is it the stock of each class or something?

Anywho, how about a section that could highlight a part of a necro'd thread. Just to show what people thought back then and to give some readers the chance to see how things were before they were on the forum. Also, there are some gems back in these threads that alot of people would appreciate seeing again. I'm not saying to actually necro the thread, but just quote it or something. For instance, there are threads back there that have funny poems that people have made, or predictions about things that were right or horribly wrong. Some nostalgia is also fun to read about.

Also, don't feel pressured to write this every week, but I do enjoy reading it!

The Idea is good but I cba reading every thread in F2P section ^^' if you know some cool ones link them to me via PM and we will think about adding it.
And actually its fun to interview people, write story, ask questions in game (due to some technical issues we couldn't add "community speaks" today, we might do it later or add answers to issue 3)
TBH I do the fun part and Oldspike does all the editing haha ^^
Very good! I dig the creativity. To throw in a suggestion like bigdip did, what if there was a weekly or bi weekly contest of like a comic or screenshot.
I'm curious what that is. lol Is it some coding for reference or indexing? :0

Its sort of like the stock market ticker like you see on some newspaper sites or on wallstreet. It's more there for comedic value, the values dont really mean much of anything xD.

And for those still having problems viewing it... sorry :( . The only really good way of seeing it is in fullscreen view. (I will try and go in and simplify some things for the next copy so it is more user friendly)
Its sort of like the stock market ticker like you see on some newspaper sites or on wallstreet. It's more there for comedic value, the values dont really mean much of anything xD.

And for those still having problems viewing it... sorry :( . The only really good way of seeing it is in fullscreen view. (I will try and go in and simplify some things for the next copy so it is more user friendly)

What about something like a PDF Document? Maybe im totally wrong i have no idea about editing (or anything). XD
Yay I was mentioned in this issue!

I'm down for an interview, just let me know if/when you need me :)

Also, word on the street is that shaman is going to go bull next trimester, just a heads up.

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