Making Free Signatures :D

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I would love one if you arent fed up with it by the time you've gotten to me. char in sig.
There has been a few people who's done this before but you have done by FAR the most. If you feel like you have a heavy work load feel free to ask [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] to do a few :p Word is she makes some pretty good sigs as well ;) Thx for your dedication and hopefully all this practice is making you a master photoshopper lol
Your sigs look very splendid, please make me one too when you have the time.
If it isn't too much to ask, can you meet the following:
1. Include my realm (Blackrock)
2. Make the background dark blue and shady (perhaps even shades of red at the corners to indicate bloodshed)
3. Use the transmog I have in the screenshot below for my character (I look like a samurai :D) on the sig
4. Coat my sword with green and red (poison and blood)
5. Have me swing the swords in a 360 jump spin position (just like what happens when eviscerate is used)
6. Have a green vial sticking out the side of my mouth (representing swift pots)
7. I have no hair when I'm wearing that hat to finish my samurai mog! Please provide me with shoulder length hair :D.
8. Have an alliance flag and dead druid in travel form on the ground beside me.
9. Incorporate the text: "No Escape from Elffies' Wrath.

here's my armory: Elffies @ Blackrock - Community - World of Warcraft

Thank you so much in advance, much love :D
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Just made a fun one for r-prime


Had a busy day at work, and i've more to come. Not going to set a number to get through, i'll just be doing them if I feel up to it. So as always patience my friends :)

ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Thanks alot man!
All these sigs are awesome!!! I'm really excited to see how mine turns out! Keep up the good work!

123123, guess u didnt forget bout me and have alot of stuff to do hehe but take your time and i think what u do is cool for the community
123123, guess u didnt forget bout me and have alot of stuff to do hehe but take your time and i think what u do is cool for the community

As stated in a previous post - I will not be setting an amount to create per night, I'll be making them when I'm not tired and I'm not playing games. Unfortunately I spend 90% of my working day in front of a computer screen and sometimes I just can't hack glaring at one on an evening.
I'll get through the list eventually. Granted I wasn't expecting so much attention to this post but i'm not busting my nuts for it. After all, I want to enjoy making them.

TLDR; Sit tight.
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