F2P Shadow Priest Project.


Gang shit
Looking forward to mindflaying you all in the gulch. You can find me on Thrall Horde.

Can anyone link BiS crit cloth builds, and BiS Spellpower cloth builds? (Pure glass-cannon)
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Just tried out shadow on my priest, and it seems fine in groups, but definently NOT good in 1v1's xD.

I'll link a few crit items later
seems fun - no bubble spam, ability to oom, fine offheals but not obligated to focus on healing
I went spriest on my old dusted off disc today after i died probably 10 times by stopping my own penance by moving. (Too used to the endgame glyph :() It was pretty fun running as CC offheals, with fear, flay, and MC. I would think a stam stacking spriest would be the best way to go imo, your damage is nothing.

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