Hunters in 5.3?

Hunters are just annoying, a buff makes them more annoying. What makes them annoying? Conc shot, spammy ranged attacks that can be used moving, no cast times, an overpowered pet that can chase you for miles, usage of bow no matter how close you get. Need I go on? This is why hunts get so much shit: because they are annoyong as hell!
Hunters are just annoying, a buff makes them more annoying. What makes them annoying? Conc shot, spammy ranged attacks that can be used moving, no cast times, an overpowered pet that can chase you for miles, usage of bow no matter how close you get. Need I go on? This is why hunts get so much shit: because they are annoyong as hell!

Hunters are just annoying, a buff makes them more annoying. What makes them annoying? Conc shot, spammy ranged attacks that can be used moving, no cast times, an overpowered pet that can chase you for miles, usage of bow no matter how close you get. Need I go on? This is why hunts get so much shit: because they are annoyong as hell!

Hate me.
I'm gonna start counting stupid threads like this and see if it gets to the same numbers cata saw.. I've come to the conclusion people just like to bitch about hunts. We could be losing 10% Ap and ppl would still make threads like this "OMG 10% AP nerf and they are still OP"

They always have been OP and always will be. I was on my mage the other day, and a 900 hp backpedaling hunter (obviously new) killed me. I couldn't even get 2 casts off. You're REALLY telling me they're not OP? We have the right to QQ as much as we want about hunters. The pushback on the casters from a hunter is RIDICULOUS. You expect us not to QQ about the most superior OP dps class in this bracket? No. And to the people that say hunters aren't OP... you need get your brain checked. Hunters require the IQ of 0 to play. Typical hunter in a bg: Mid farming while raping dat s key, arcane shot spamming, their pet taking your health down to 50% in a matter of seconds, chases you until the hunter gets a new target which is annoying as hell. I just hate the idiots that KNOW they can't kill you but they still pick a fight with you to piss you off and conc spam the crap out of you. And the idiots that scatter and disengage to runaway from a fight.

To my conclusion, don't complain about people QQuing about hunters. They have EVERY god damn right to. And on a side note lil, you're one of the hunters that runs away when you know you can't kill my druid but you still pick a fight with me. I laugh at every hunter who thinks they're "pro". Ok, you can strafe and mash more than 2 buttons. That is SO god damn skillfull. Jesus Christ.. and yes my sig has a RESTO druid and a PROT warrior. I'm only prot and resto for AB. arms my main spec and balance. So you trolls can go f**k yourselves. Don't even bother replying and try to defend hunters. That'll just show your lack of IQ too. Sorry to break the truth to you. And don't even go to the "prot paladin" or "prot warrior" or "resto druid" argument. A hunter that has timing with scatter shot and a stun/silence from his pet should beat any class except for disc priest or resto druid and sometimes hpala.
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I've come to the conclusion people just like to bitch about hunts.
This is what it is. You don't see druids get as much whine as hunters do. Druids, paladins, priests. None of them get as much negative attention as hunters do. Even though these are currently a more powerful class.

If the problem is what's overpowered. Why the fuck aren't you whining about them?

It's more stigma than anything else.
kind of hate the fact that hunters are getting a damage buff, i have a survival hunter i love atm, its not op at all, dmg is great but not too high, mobility is great. i dont wanna be a fotm class =(
You don't have to worry. You shouldn't be seeing it as a buff, but more as a nerf.

It's already been said. But they're removing an ability, that kind of makes for a lot more than this shitty dmg buff. Believe me.
They always have been OP and always will be. I was on my mage the other day, and a 900 hp backpedaling hunter (obviously new) killed me. I couldn't even get 2 casts off. You're REALLY telling me they're not OP? We have the right to QQ as much as we want about hunters. The pushback on the casters from a hunter is RIDICULOUS. You expect us not to QQ about the most superior OP dps class in this bracket? No. And to the people that say hunters aren't OP... you need get your brain checked. Hunters require the IQ of 0 to play. Typical hunter in a bg: Mid farming while raping dat s key, arcane shot spamming, their pet taking your health down to 50% in a matter of seconds, chases you until the hunter gets a new target which is annoying as hell. I just hate the idiots that KNOW they can't kill you but they still pick a fight with you to piss you off and conc spam the crap out of you. And the idiots that scatter and disengage to runaway from a fight.

To my conclusion, don't complain about people QQuing about hunters. They have EVERY god damn right to. And on a side note lil, you're one of the hunters that runs away when you know you can't kill my druid but you still pick a fight with me. I laugh at every hunter who thinks they're "pro". Ok, you can strafe and mash more than 2 buttons. That is SO god damn skillfull. Jesus Christ.. and yes my sig has a RESTO druid and a PROT warrior. I'm only prot and resto for AB. arms my main spec and balance. So you trolls can go f**k yourselves. Don't even bother replying and try to defend hunters. That'll just show your lack of IQ too. Sorry to break the truth to you. And don't even go to the "prot paladin" or "prot warrior" or "resto druid" argument. A hunter that has timing with scatter shot and a stun/silence from his pet should beat any class except for disc priest or resto druid and sometimes hpala.

Your argument has a very good point but i killed your resto driud mutiple times solo ;) And you killed me on your driud mutiple times too, but dont say Anyone who plays a hunter has a low IQ lvl.
Your argument has a very good point but i killed your resto driud mutiple times solo ;) And you killed me on your driud mutiple times too, but dont say Anyone who plays a hunter has a low IQ lvl.

Yeah exactly. But most of the hunters I see (ofc not you) are really stupid and have no idea what they're doing.

if your mage has any gear that gets you to 14oo HP you should be able to kill a hunter with 9oo hp :D its like 3-4 cast. Maybe 2 cast if fire hard cast pryo then do a instant b4 freeze is up. Hunters are not op - but geared hunters are good any1 that says a 900hp hunter is op at all is like .... bad - maybge ur mage has no gear?@Xaneyy

My mage has 1.5k Hp in battlegrounds, 1.4 outside. Frost spec, and no I couldn't kill him. He was BM also. The stun, and the pushback. "Hunters aren't OP"You clearly don't know what you're talking about. I never said the hunter was OP. I was giving an example to the pushback. I literally got 2 casts off before I was dead. I also frost nova crit on him and still died and left him on around 70 HP. Crit stacked mostly. Maybe you're right, I could kill him but he probably pulled off some crits magically. Maybe he got lucky, but I doubt it.
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This is what it is. You don't see druids get as much whine as hunters do. Druids, paladins, priests. None of them get as much negative attention as hunters do. Even though these are currently a more powerful class.

If the problem is what's overpowered. Why the fuck aren't you whining about them?

It's more stigma than anything else.

Cause this forum is so clique. I've said it before... Everyone likes to jump on the wagon and group together like a pack of dogs. Whatever the majority of people do/say is considered right and whatever the minority says is ALWAYS a troll or stupid. MoP healers and OP classes in MoP hasn't gotten ANYWHERE near the amount of crap that hunts went through. Why? Because the majority doesn't complain only the minority. If people spoke up about how they felt about the current OP classes like they felt like doing in cata about hunts maybe the view of hunts would change. Idk.. All I know is I'm not gonna read 4 threads a day like this stupid one in 5.3 and have the same kind of cata atmosphere.

Atleast if we were getting a 10% DAMAGE buff like some people think I would understand maybe the complaints. People just don't realize it's only 10% AP (which isn't a big buff at all) and the loss of one of the most annoying spells in this bracket.. Surprised I haven't seen people rejoicing about hunts losing intim but that's of course cause they wanna complain about a 10% AP buff instead.
Cause this forum is so clique. I've said it before... Everyone likes to jump on the wagon and group together like a pack of dogs. Whatever the majority of people do/say is considered right and whatever the minority says is ALWAYS a troll or stupid. MoP healers and OP classes in MoP hasn't gotten ANYWHERE near the amount of crap that hunts went through. Why? Because the majority doesn't complain only the minority. If people spoke up about how they felt about the current OP classes like they felt like doing in cata about hunts maybe the view of hunts would change. Idk.. All I know is I'm not gonna read 4 threads a day like this stupid one in 5.3 and have the same kind of cata atmosphere.

Atleast if we were getting a 10% DAMAGE buff like some people think I would understand maybe the complaints. People just don't realize it's only 10% AP (which isn't a big buff at all) and the loss of one of the most annoying spells in this bracket.. Surprised I haven't seen people rejoicing about hunts losing intim but that's of course cause they wanna complain about a 10% AP buff instead.

You just don't get it do you. Can't you accept the fact hunters have always been OP and always will be? You're getting nerfed in BM, but your damage is getting buffed. You're getting more damage, which you really don't need. I know intimidation is a big loss, but surv does a lot of burst damage and it's getting buffed now. Why don't they buff the less OP classes? I don't see fury warriors complaining. Oh wait.. there is none. I wonder why.
You just don't get it do you. Can't you accept the fact hunters have always been OP and always will be? You're getting nerfed in BM, but your damage is getting buffed. You're getting more damage, which you really don't need. I know intimidation is a big loss, but surv does a lot of burst damage and it's getting buffed now. Why don't they buff the less OP classes? I don't see fury warriors complaining. Oh wait.. there is none. I wonder why.

You sir are ignorant.
That, and you have two of the most OP class/specs in your signature and are complaining about hunters.

Any class with a heal should be able to kill a hunter 1v1.


Your mage can't beat a hunter (ive read some of your posts, and you seem like an average player at best, so this isn't surprising), BUT, if you were a remotely skilled mage you should be well aware that you should be able to 1v1 warriors, rogues, warlocks with ease, and with a little luck, some paladins and shaman.

For everyone crying about OP classes; Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. PvP in this game is about team mechanics and composition.

Play the class you love, love the class you play.
You sir are ignorant.
That, and you have two of the most OP class/specs in your signature and are complaining about hunters.

Any class with a heal should be able to kill a hunter 1v1.


Your mage can't beat a hunter (ive read some of your posts, and you seem like an average player at best, so this isn't surprising), BUT, if you were a remotely skilled mage you should be well aware that you should be able to 1v1 warriors, rogues, warlocks with ease, and with a little luck, some paladins and shaman.

For everyone crying about OP classes; Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. PvP in this game is about team mechanics and composition.

Play the class you love, love the class you play.

Oh i'm the ignorant one am I? If you actually took some time to read some of my other posts, you would've seen that I clearly said the prot warrior and rdruid in my sigs are for AB. But no.. how you say my mage should be able to kill those classes. What's that got to do with anything? I can cry all I want about hunters. And I'm not being arrogant but i'm not an "average" player. I'm more than average, don't compare me to the idiots that sit around mid camping the whole bg. I'm nothing like that. Also, I always kill warriors,rogues, and sometimes warlocks, shamans and paladins on my mage. Paladin slaying is a rare occasion that I celebrate with a coke and some crackers :)
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Any class with a heal should be able to kill a hunter 1v1.

Have you seen Ret Paladins and both Shaman DPS-specs lately? They're fairly easy to kill as a hunter.

Your mage can't beat a hunter (ive read some of your posts, and you seem like an average player at best, so this isn't surprising), BUT, if you were a remotely skilled mage you should be well aware that you should be able to 1v1 warriors, rogues, warlocks with ease, and with a little luck, some paladins and shaman.

How does not being able to kill a hunter relate to being able to kill warriors, rogues and warlocks?
I bring up you bitching about your mage being unable to kill hunters, when there are many other classes you are easily able to take down, or at the very least disable.

Also, what battleground you choose to play a class in doesn't change how 'OP' they are.
Have you seen Ret Paladins and both Shaman DPS-specs lately? They're fairly easy to kill as a hunter.

How does not being able to kill a hunter relate to being able to kill warriors, rogues and warlocks?

You're really going to try to invalidate my arguement with two of the most underpowered specs in the bracket?

I bring up the situation of mage>x class, trying to demonstrate that every class/spec has advantages and disadvantages against other classes, was that really hard to understand?
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