Quitting Moderator / Bracket Manager


I expect this will get deleted as an @ thread and I fully understand, but I though it should be said.

I have decided to quit the Moderator job here on TwinkInfo. This is simply based on how I do not want to waste my time on you anymore. Why?

  • 75% of you don't say thanks for our volunteer work.
  • Elitism freaks who constantly tries to start flame wars.
  • Are you not an veteran elite, your opinion is invalid. Newcomers are nothing.

So I have decided to step down and watch it from the side line. I don't want to help clean flamewars anymore.

This is not all from this community, there is some amazing people out there.
I don't think people intentionally try to start flame wars, and even if they do, these forums would be more boring without them than they are currently. Drama threads get way more views and activity than, say, a "im coming back to game how i gear" thread.

That being said, you were a pretty good mod, sad to see you step down. Hopefully you can enjoy the forums more this way.
It's quite an unpleasant job to do for free after the first couple of days.
so your goal when you became mod was to have people thank you for your volunteer work
I am pretty sure someone would yell at a red cross worker if they poured salt into the wounds instead of band aiding them.

Stavie did no comparable thing, so where is the comparison coming from? The butthurt from some EU players has been shameful.
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I am pretty sure someone would yell at a red cross worker if they poured salt into the wounds instead of band aiding them.

From the little i have seen this doesn't seem to be right. And on the other side we have atleast 3 people here that could be quiet instead of posting stupid things that will only end up in a flame war. The guy doesn't want to be a moderator here anymore and that is all his post was about, so atlest try to be nice instead of bombing his thread with stuff like that.
I expect this will get deleted as an @ thread and I fully understand, but I though it should be said.

I have decided to quit the Moderator job here on TwinkInfo. This is simply based on how I do not want to waste my time on you anymore. Why?

  • 75% of you don't say thanks for our volunteer work.
  • Elitism freaks who constantly tries to start flame wars.
  • Are you not an veteran elite, your opinion is invalid. Newcomers are nothing.

So I have decided to step down and watch it from the side line. I don't want to help clean flamewars anymore.

This is not all from this community, there is some amazing people out there.

Gonna miss you Stavie, you still gonna play 19s at all?
volunteer work is not about feeling appreciated, then ur just crying for attention
volunteer work is not about feeling appreciated, then ur just crying for attention

Then sir, you have one unique way to look at it. Volunteer work is helping someone else without getting paid. Ofcourse you want to feel appriciated for what you do, it's in the human nature to do so. If someone is happy and thank you, that's also getting appriciated. It's not just about having someone say "You're doing a good job here, Bob!", it's also about having someone say thank you, or just give you a smile.

A kid wants to be appriciated by his mother.
A working man/woman wants to have the boss say "Well done!" or give a smile to them.
A student want his teacher to say "This sure was some good work!"

And ofcourse a volunteer wants to have someone tell him it's going good, or just a simple thing like "Thank you". We're all human, and it's something we all crave in one way or the oher.

I'm not going to discuss this anymore, as it's just of-topic and i think the OP deserves better.
Moderating this site is one hella job, paid or unpaid...

I've been on and off actively (and inactively) moderating this website for almost... I want to say 2 years while being mildly active in the community when I first got here. The truth of the matter is; unless you please every, single, person you please no one as a staff member. That is just how it is. The only person/people I felt appreciated by were the other staff members, and my few close community members that have grown to like me over the years of being a part time moderator. Some people love and like chill mods and staff members while others want people to take care of everything without a second thought. Best of luck with your life Stavie, when I get better I'll put back in for my position. I doubt Shane, Yde or Silin will tell me no <3

inb4 this thread goes south
inb4 lock
that was a short time, cy@ and gl.

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