I expect this will get deleted as an @ thread and I fully understand, but I though it should be said.
I have decided to quit the Moderator job here on TwinkInfo. This is simply based on how I do not want to waste my time on you anymore. Why?
So I have decided to step down and watch it from the side line. I don't want to help clean flamewars anymore.
This is not all from this community, there is some amazing people out there.
I have decided to quit the Moderator job here on TwinkInfo. This is simply based on how I do not want to waste my time on you anymore. Why?
- 75% of you don't say thanks for our volunteer work.
- Elitism freaks who constantly tries to start flame wars.
- Are you not an veteran elite, your opinion is invalid. Newcomers are nothing.
So I have decided to step down and watch it from the side line. I don't want to help clean flamewars anymore.
This is not all from this community, there is some amazing people out there.