Is it just me our is fishing luck really selective


I've had the weirdest luck with fishing,

The Good,
I can catch any rare blue think i want or dont want from a pool
case i point, on my mew priest today i caught a Sea Turtle - Item - World of Warcraft on my fifth cast today when i wsant even trying to get it, then i caught a Sea Pony - Item - World of Warcraft on the very next cast. All while at DMF

Next for about the past 3 weeks, I have been getting Swiftness Potion - Item - World of Warcraft from all my fishing dailys, i got a Jeweled Fishing Pole - Item - World of Warcraft, on my fourth daily on one of my newer toons, finally i have gotten Strand Crawler - Item - World of Warcraft multiple times before

The Bad,
I cannot get any fishing item with hat in the name, whether it be ,
Lucky Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft
Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft

I have been trying for either of those two items for about 18 months now, on multiple toons, under all kinds of circumstances, i came to the conclusion, that i am not meant to have hats, i have gotten both the Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish - Quest - World of Warcraft and Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Striped Racer - Quest - World of Warcraft more times than i can remember, but never once have i gotten a Rare Fish - Keefer's Angelfish - Quest - World of Warcraft I have seen people with the Lucky Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft all over the place, but never have I gotten one.

I guess the whole point of this thread was to ask if its just me or do other people have really weird luck like this in WoW?
Yes across all my toons I have never once seen a fishing hat of either kind, but have found all sorts of crazy stuff including a DMF fishing hat . And it's always on toons i don't give a crap about.

I accept now that all my toons will only ever wear flying tiger goggles.
Have a high level with a 2-person mount go with you so you can fish more fish more quickly. The Keefer's Angelfish has about a 0.08 drop rate, so in theory you should have to pull in about 1250 tastyfish to get the hat. I fished for the whole 2 hours completely alone getting ganked by high level mobs often, and it dropped towards the end of the third tournament, about 5 and a half hours of fishing.... Good Luck!
I've had the weirdest luck with fishing,

The Good,
I can catch any rare blue think i want or dont want from a pool
case i point, on my mew priest today i caught a Sea Turtle - Item - World of Warcraft on my fifth cast today when i wsant even trying to get it, then i caught a Sea Pony - Item - World of Warcraft on the very next cast. All while at DMF

Next for about the past 3 weeks, I have been getting Swiftness Potion - Item - World of Warcraft from all my fishing dailys, i got a Jeweled Fishing Pole - Item - World of Warcraft, on my fourth daily on one of my newer toons, finally i have gotten Strand Crawler - Item - World of Warcraft multiple times before

The Bad,
I cannot get any fishing item with hat in the name, whether it be ,
Lucky Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft
Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft

I have been trying for either of those two items for about 18 months now, on multiple toons, under all kinds of circumstances, i came to the conclusion, that i am not meant to have hats, i have gotten both the Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish - Quest - World of Warcraft and Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Striped Racer - Quest - World of Warcraft more times than i can remember, but never once have i gotten a Rare Fish - Keefer's Angelfish - Quest - World of Warcraft I have seen people with the Lucky Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft all over the place, but never have I gotten one.

I guess the whole point of this thread was to ask if its just me or do other people have really weird luck like this in WoW?

It's not just fishing. I've been farming Rivendare and Anzu FOR YEARS without ever seeing either one... Flip side is that I got the Swift White Hawkstrider and Blue Proto-Drake on the same toon ON THE FIRST RUN. and I wasn't looking for either one...

That R in RNG means exactly that. Random.
The rules are if it doesn't drop within your first 3 tournaments, you will never get it on that toon ever.

Edit: can anyone proove me wrong because I think I'm on to something
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took me over a hundred over 5 years to get it on 19 hunter
about forty over 3 years on 19 rogue
22 minutes on 19 mage
11 contests on f2p shaman
3 hours on f2p hunt.
34+ contests on my 19 paladin
7-8 contests on my 19 priest
2nd conest on my 19 rogue.
first contest on f2p lock
first contest on f2p hunter
25mins on f2p rogue

Seeing the trend? if you are p2p GL with LFH, go F2P first contest.
Luck is a bitch! I remember farming MTB for soo long on my holy pally and then first SFK run i do on my prot pally and it drops -.- As for LFH, ive done ALOT of fishing tournaments, i dont even keep track anymore, i have probably wasted 150+ hours fishing for it and never once got it, and then i have these friends who has 5+ and 10+ of em cross chars without barely trying and some of them on chars they didnt even need it on. I think ive only been lucky once in wow, and that was when i got swiftness recipe.
I got two LFHs in one day (the day the tourney was debugged from CRZ). One on horde and one on alliance. Since then it has been alot of fishing boots and fishing line but the LFHs for the other toons have been scarce. I looked up in the armory, 2456 fish and other things caught. 2000 of those had to be tourney casts.
my hunter is actually the toon i have fished on the least, and i have low fishing on most of them, cause i only bother to train fishing when im near gold cap, and casue i mainly pvp thats rare for me, more often i dont have enough to repair my gear, so for long periods of time i have fished and just noy gained skill for it, and i almost only fish the stv contest, some times i do stretches of daileys every day, maybe every other month ill do daileys regularly, but i have made almost every contest for the past 18 months, of course i missed a few, or got cut short a few times but that happens to every one.

What im really surprised at s tracked down my armory to look at my fishing skill, either you looked through the rate my toon section and found him there, or you actually looked him up, thats more effort than i would ever give for a simple post

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