26% Spell Miss Chance (Still Broken 19-Mar)


26% Spell Miss Chance (Still Broken 27-Mar)

Updates last update 27-Mar-2013
Level 20 spell casters have always needed 26% spell hit to strike a level 24 opponent. Now that everyone in the battleground is considered level 24, level 20 spell casters now need 26% spell hit to never miss with spells. This is not just a rating scaling issue.

The hit issue is fixed as far as Blizzard is concerned (they auto remove and re-equip your gear as you zone into a bg--this is why your health is about 1/2 of its total when you zone into a bg):

There is no indication that this issue is still on Blizzards todo list: 5.2.0 MOP Known Issues - Updated 3/5/13 - Forums - World of Warcraft

There is still a lot Blizzard needs to fix for max level.

IF this is fixed please respond to this thread with your results

This 26% miss chance was calculated across 3 spell casters over 30ish games using either skada or recount for data collection.
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I'm not sure if some core abilities are hitting reliably or if there is some issue with the combat log.

I do occasionally see a frostbolt not land, but there is no indication of that in the combat log. Although, the frostbolt may not land because the target is already dead. If I notice this happening in my latest recordings I'll post it here.
With 5.2 spell hit against equal levels should be 6%. I think it's important to point out we aren’t a 20 trying to hit a 24 anymore. We should be a 24 trying to hit a 24 with 20 gear and hit rating. So yes, it will take more hit rating to reach that 6% but it still should be 6%.

But obviously when we play we see something totally different.

The Ghostcrawler post said all stats should be scaling, which is fine, that should mean we need less hit rating to reach that magical 6%. My guess at the problem is... on spell cast the combat table is checked to see if that spell will hit or miss and it's pulling our true level of 20 and going "Wow, 26% chance to miss this 24, you get nothing."

I don't know if Blizzard is aware of this, but I imagine if they are bumping us to 24, there should be no reason our spells should still think we are 20.
So if you have hit gear, equip it. But don't be too quick to sell your other sets, I really think this will be fixed.
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Make it 4%-5% then. otherwise wouldnt be fair, healer instant hit capped, and other classes having to trade BiS gear by hit ranting gear isnt fair.

I don't know about druids and shamans, but disc priests and holy paladins still have to gear for hit since Divine Fury and Holy Insight don't affect Psychic Scream, Void Tendrils and Hammer of Justice.
Confirmed hit is still broken 20-Mar-2013

Confirmed that frostbolt strikes targets with a 6% miss chance

Still seeing 26% miss on fireblasts, arcane explosions, frost novas, and sheeps on any target.
Confirmed still broken 21-Mar-2013

Tested other specs, all specs primary abilities always hit if you are capped vs 20s (6%) {where primary abilities are abilities that you earn via specialization.}

Deadvulcano, have you noticed you miss more against p2p 24's over f2p 24s? I wouldn't be surprised if that's happening. Anyone else notice something like that? Might be hard to test... I guess you can look for a guild name or 24 abilities to pick out the p2ps.
It would take too much effort to split it up, but I'm assuming all levels are treated equally because:
6%+ hit chance is sufficient to never miss iff casting a specialization ability.
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Yea from what you are saying with build specific abilities correctly hitting and others not it sounds like a different issue then I had thought. I still think those abilities are pulling our level as 20 instead of 24. I can confirm my sheep misses constantly. I'll open a ticket with Blizzard when I get home.

I have a feeling they knew at launch but it was too soon to fix. Here's hoping they didn't implement an ability to scale everyone to the same level and then NOT TEST THAT SCALING ABILITY lol. That just seems absurd.
Do you really think Blizz tested it? They rarely tests their PVP changes.....

That would be so ridiculous lol. It took us all of one game to see hit was broken.
The only reason I think they may have known was the pulling of BoA shields the last minute because of "scaling issues".

We'll find out tonight, I'll post my ticket and response.
Confirmed still broken 22-Mar-2013

Tested alliance side this time, sheep seemed to land more reliably, but I cba to collect enough data to confirm. Random miss is random, data should still approach 26%
Confirmed still broken 22-Mar-2013

Tested alliance side this time, sheep seemed to land more reliably, but I cba to collect enough data to confirm. Random miss is random, data should still approach 26%

Thanks for all the testing. Here's the bug report I submitted tonight:

So there's issues with the new BG scaling and spell hit. I know this was thought to be hot fixed recently but I'd like to point out what we've noticed.
-20 scalled to 24 casting spec specific spells correctly misses 6% of the time with 0 hit. (ie Frost Bolt for Frost Mage)
-Casting generic spells (sheep) as a 20 scaled miss 26% of the time. We believe these spells are using our normal lvl of 20 to calculate hit/miss.
Here's a link to our findings: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/26%-spell-miss-chance-still-broken-19-mar-46932/index2.html
Yea from what you are saying with build specific abilities correctly hitting and others not it sounds like a different issue then I had thought. I still think those abilities are pulling our level as 20 instead of 24. I can confirm my sheep misses constantly. I'll open a ticket with Blizzard when I get home.

I have a feeling they knew at launch but it was too soon to fix. Here's hoping they didn't implement an ability to scale everyone to the same level and then NOT TEST THAT SCALING ABILITY lol. That just seems absurd.

It's Blizzard. Nothing should seem absurd.

People on the ptr were talking about it and submitting feedback. Blizz chose to ignore the feedback.
Confirmed still broken 23-Mar-2013

Would require approximately 64 hit rating to cap, not possible for f2p mage or lock.
Confirmed still broken 22-Mar-2013

Tested alliance side this time, sheep seemed to land more reliably

You weren't trying to poly nelfs when on ally.
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