5 People You Don't Want To See In Battlegrounds

I never got how it's important to have a high win ratio...
Winning more makes you, in the long run, a better player... (given you don't AFK)
Winning more makes you, in the long run, a better player... (given you don't AFK)

in a perfect world perhaps, but a lot of us are pug heroes so it depends what class can carry teams easiest and how many brazilians are on each team :p but thats what makes it fun, eh?
Winning more makes you, in the long run, a better player... (given you don't AFK)

I have to agree with Kibbies. Higher win ratios might mean that a player spends more time in premades for example. Now granted, if you're being invited to premades it probably means you're good, but there are lots of great players who don't premade (with strategy and Skype etc) which I think only select people on AP Horde (yourself included) do. But winning in and of itself does not make you a better player: Being a better player makes you more winning.

You can do everything right as a member of a team but if that team doesn't pull its weight too you're going to lose. I'm sure we have all experienced that many, many times.
If I did have to make a list: anyone with an above 70% win ratio should do. If I did have to make a list tho:
I'm not sure how a ratio matters however
Winning more makes you, in the long run, a better player... (given you don't AFK)

this I agree with completely. Winning does make you better and I can say being 100% sure that 1k bgs ago I wasnt nearly as good as I am now and every 5/10 bgs I learn something new. Nothing is more important then experience but let me just say this as an example.

Bison has a 62% wsg ratio
I have a 60% ratio
TK (sry bison and bend but arguably the best druid in this bracket) has a 60% win ratio
agu (arguably the best horde pally in this bracket) has a 58% win ratio

The thing with all of these people? They pug in atleast 90% of their bgs

No disrespect to any of these people but these are some people who have a very high ratio and just simply wouldn't if they pugged 90% of the time

cer (great FC but simply premades all to often) 77%
felix (we all know felix's premades) 83%
cherrypi (presonally never saw this hunt that I can remember but has been said she organized 10 person premades) 81%

This is simply taken from the first 50ish people that I recognized on lofi's list (lofi also pugs like 99% of the time with a 59% win ratio) and this shows without a doubt that win ratio doesn't matter when you pug. Premades should have better win ratio and premades should have more skill theoretically but imo after seeing this bracket for over a year alot of puggers have more vast more skill then most premades and that is why I chose to make my list on mostly puggers cause you can tell skill from a pugger alot easier then you can by someone in a 5 person premade with people always around to help them.
I'll say it this way: I would be glad to play against all those players you all just listed, since it's so utterly boring to stomp random PuGs if you're queueing with some friends, even with 2 or 3.

If I did have to make a list: anyone with an above 70% win ratio should do. If I did have to make a list tho:

But hey, that's just a list which I would be glad to play against and I still probably forgot plenty.
our team says hi to you too ;)
our team says hi to you too ;)
I'm not sure if I want to edit that post or not. I'll state it this way: I'll gladly play against you guys if you either don't use Skype or aren't playing all 3 together! :'(
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Theclawer yet. That guy, I just don't even know. There's a reason they call him Lord of the Trials.
I'm deffinately going to have to agree with people above in that the number of game u play makes you a better played but for me it seems that ever game I take less and less sereriously at least pug games that is . I mean I haven't taken the time to farm a swift pot in the las 3 months
I'm deffinately going to have to agree with people above in that the number of game u play makes you a better played

Number of games you play, yes, I think everyone would agree with that. Number of games you win though I still say is irrelevant because winning is a team effort. You can be the best player in the bracket but you still can't win a game all by yourself.
I'm not sure if I want to edit that post or not. I'll state it this way: I'll gladly play against you guys if you either don't use Skype or aren't playing all 3 together! :'(
pffft but we're a pretty vicious trio, that's what makes it fun ;)

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