5 People You Don't Want To See In Battlegrounds

much respect everyone, especially klinda/ potatoez
Great to have you on TI!
You were an incredible opponent in cata!
figure i might as well make my horde list now that i have time .

priests- spoochy(my lover in the basin), taters
pallys - klinda, garthy
druids- bison,kibbers
rogue- idk
warrior- shadow
warlock- Oozy(oozevil - my other lover in the basin)
mage - deadvolcanoe
shaman- going blank on this one

hugs to everyone on bwl . didn't put you on cause im partial to everyone there <3
Apropos BWL, absolutely love meeting everyone from there, new addition for me: met Riptides first time yesterday and was blown away by awesome shamaning. :)
BWL is indeed a great place for twinks.Snowjobs and Feet did a helluva great job in promoting twinking on BWL!Mad Props for that,guys
I would totally hold yde spooch oozy chelly lil and everyone I'm forgetting hostage until they rolled on bwl but to make somebody start over on a new toon is something I can't even manage so it makes me sads :( if only f2p could faction and realm change !
I would totally hold yde spooch oozy chelly lil and everyone I'm forgetting hostage until they rolled on bwl but to make somebody start over on a new toon is something I can't even manage so it makes me sads :( if only f2p could faction and realm change !

you do know chelly is in our xrealm group right? did some premades with her just a few days ago on my lock silly. and yde is in our xrealm group too lul. funnily enough mirenelle and belevika rolled horde toons on our xrealm group too c: rinelle

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