
Wow, a nerf to Defensive Stance, time to quit playing Protection Warriors, one of my favourite classes. /cry
can you enter the ptr with a f2p account (and an inactive p2p account)?

On previous test realms you could access the PTR with your F2P. Although on the PTR your account behaved like a p2p account so you need to lock your experience when you log in.

It might be quite cool if we get a group of people to try a battleground out to check stat changes and how it scales.
Wow, a nerf to Defensive Stance, time to quit playing Protection Warriors, one of my favourite classes. /cry

Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15% (was 25%).

Unwavering Sentinel now improves the damage reduction of Defensive Stance by 10% for Protection Warriors.
Retribution, Sword of Light now increases Flash of Light by 100% (up from 30%).

One FoL Crit, back to Full Health.

Transmogrification rules have been broadened for several weapon types.

Two-handed axes, maces, and swords can be Transmogrified to each other.

One-handed axes, maces, and swords can be Transmogrified to each other.

Staves and polearms can be transmogrified to each other.

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Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15% (was 25%).

Unwavering Sentinel now improves the damage reduction of Defensive Stance by 10% for Protection Warriors.

Are you mentioning the reduction for Defensive Stance will be the same?
The penance buff is tempting me to respec disc... Because one thing you forgot, Holy Fire is being replaced with an instant cast spell that does the same damage. Now THAT is something for us priests to be excited about. Priests may actually be able to do damage again.

Like Disc Priest dmg was bad...
For bg level testing, I've tried queuing in the PTR on a 20. Currently, queuing into a battleground is broken for level 20s.

If you can't get into the PTR you may need to re-download the ptr client from your battlenet account page.
i was on the server (haha that rooster mount), but it's just the BG module, who was launching itself unfortunately,
wanted to check the stats change
/sigh why take away bloodpact, thats one of my favorite things i contribute to the team when im on my lock. Now ill just be some guy with a pet. Good news otherwise tho, ill finally be able to polymorph and fear without having to anticipate the miss
So am I the only one thinking that this will help F2P with hit and BASE stats but hurt our crit, haste, exp and resil?

I don't think it will, since we won't actually be lvl 24, we'll still be 20. Also, in their statement they say crit will scale, and I imagine they mean in a balanced direction.
So am I the only one thinking that this will help F2P with hit and BASE stats but hurt our crit, haste, exp and resil?

youve got a point but i feel that if they dont scale crit hast exp or resil it would be very small and unnoticable.
If they don't scale up non-base stats like hit it would mean we would need more hit than we currently do to cap vs level 20s in a BG. Probably just a few extra hit rating. I'm eager to see how this is implemented! Any idea when 5.2 is going live?

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