Hunting down the hacker

I got my account unlocked today, and a few security measures have been put in on their side and mine. Hopefully he won't be able to get access again.
I got my account unlocked today, and a few security measures have been put in on their side and mine. Hopefully he won't be able to get access again.

nice one :)
i guess you cant disclose the further measures?

any progress with deleveling?
nice one :)
i guess you cant disclose the further measures?

any progress with deleveling?

They're supposed to have a Dated IDV lock on the account, where customer support reps won't make any changes to my account from their end (but I can). I also got my SQ&A changed and my authenticator is still on the account.

As far as the de-leveling goes, I'll keep putting in tickets, the wait time is like 4 days though.
This nut job tried to hack one of my account too, hah, too bad I'm not easily fooled. D:
Great to hear sneaky! Hopefully this does not happen again.
So tonight I spoke with a GM and I tried every avenue I could for 2 hours straight. I swear he said "I apologize but we are unable to assist in transferring any of your gear to another character." for like 15 times. Every time I tried something, that's what he replied with. I think they have some note on my account telling GM's to not help me...

That's the 5th ticket so far, I think I'm going to try once more and that's it. I even asked him just to unbind my fangs and he gave the same response.
Cut it out, Ko. Can't you see that Sneaky is in dire straits here? Give the man some air, for st. patty's sake.
6th ticket was answered this morning. Same EXACT response. I'm pretty sure they won't help me.

On the note of the hacker, the GM I spoke with yesterday told me that they can see all the log-ins from a certain IP address and to be "rest assured" that he is being investigated.

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