What BoA shoulders are best for a rogue?

Depends on faction/other gear really but I would use the justice ones, especially if you need more hit.
Stormshroud as Alliance, Shadowcraft as Horde.
Stained. The extra hit will help against the occasional 24s, gives more agi, and more hit = more white hit dmg.
I'd recommend making a chardev with your current gear setup/goal and deciding for yourself. Play around with it a bit, make sets that hit cap with both pairs of shoulders and check out the differences. Shadowcraft is more conducive to having a max hit gear set too though, so that'd be my first choice. 24's are hard enough to take down, don't need to be missing ambushes on them. Eventually you'll save up extra honor for the PvP shoulders and you can test out swapping them around. You can't go wrong with either (as long as you gear accordingly), so I'd initially go with the pair that gives you a few more options.
Stained no matter the faction.
2stam 4 resil
1 agi 4 hit

If your under 5% hit, take the hit ones. Its also nice to have over 5% for when you face 24s in WSG.

However, in WSG you have a team of players and minor differences in gear mean squat, so if you do both arena and WSG, gear for arena IMO.

In arena your gear wil matter the most. Gear wise, survivability is #1. Dying fucks your team over, IMO 2stam 4 resil owns 1 agi 4hit, especially when most geared alliance roguess have around 8.32% hit, without hit shoulders.
I roll resil shoulders on both my rogues despite having both shoulders. If you look around you'll see many of the rogues with a very high number of HKills do the same.

Basically is 2% damage reduction and 2 stam VS 2% hit chance (not on special attacks such as backstab ambush sinister strike) and 1 agil. I'm squishy enough already :/
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