F2P 19 Wargame Battlegrounds and Arenas



I'd like to gauge interest into continuing / expanding the project here. Please use this thread to inform people about the project and list gearing rules and players' armories in here. We've lost our preset characters due to some worthless scum. If enough people want to keep this alive we should be able to gather enough 19 characters to schedule arenas and WSG wargames.

Here is Kochi's original post on the project idea that I hope we'll be able to continue:

Aerie Peak - Horde

This is a wargame project using level 19 characters.

Instead of making twinks we are using a simple set of gear for each class. It is mostly white armor from vendors, along with some PvP items and quest items for Hit Rating.

The only class not allowed is Hunter, anyone else is welcome to join.

The project and gearlist can be seen at: 19wargame.com

One of our members has uploaded content: 19 Wargame Videos

- - -Q and A- - -

What are wargames?

This is the PvP feature that allows us to host Arena or Battlegrounds. We make 2 groups of players and create the match. Example: 14 horde players can split into teams and play a 7v7 WSG.
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Why not at 20?

Battleground Wargames only work with Exp On. Once a trial hits 20 they are considered Exp Off and are unable to play them. For this reason we are 19.
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Do I gain experience?

Once you are 19 you will have your Exp On, but doing wargames grant no rewards. No experience or honor is given from these games. We simply stay 19 with these characters.
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How did you decide on the Gear?

Since Trial Accounts can not turn off exp at 19 it is impossible for them to farm twink gear. We needed a simple system for everyone to obtain gear and be equal. It is very easy to make a character and be ready for PvP.
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What are Preset Characters?

To start the project we made about 14 new trial accounts each with a 19 character with the required gear and have been lending these accounts out to the community to play Arena and host WSG.

It is still better if you can make your own 19 character, but it would be possible to play with us just using the Preset accounts.
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We have a Skype channel to help organize the games, so if you do not play on Aerie Peak you can still keep in contact with us.

We just use the instant messaging so you do not need a mic. Find me on Aerie Peak if you want to join the channel.
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If you have other questions feel free to ask.

F2P 19 Wargame Battlegrounds

Wargame Arenas work with XP off and have been a stable activity on Aerie Peak and other servers since F2P twinking started. Wargame Battlegrounds require XP on, and thus are not possible once F2Ps have hit 20.

Kochi had the great idea to level characters to 19 and gear them according to a template (to achieve sufficient hit and balanced stats between classes).

Wargame Arenas and Battlegrounds reward no XP, so once a character hit 19, they would simply cease activities that do reward XP, like questing, exploration, etc.

With a P2P grouping the 19s, group leaders challenging each other to anything up from 5v5 WSG and 7v7 AB are possible! Arenas are of course also a regular activity whenever not enough people are available for BGs.


So this isn't twinking exactly. Why bother doing it?

⇛ Easy toon creation and gearing
⇛ Balanced teams and games
⇛ New WSG PVP games
⇛ Jump practice
⇛ Generally fun arena / duelling activity
19 Wargame Videos

Kochi even had preset F2P accounts to lend out for curious people to try out participating, and the general feedback was that it was huge fun. :)


How to get started

⇛ Use your existing P2P or F2P account or make a new F2P account.
⇛ Create your character on Aerie Peak US - Horde.
⇛ Use the F2PAddon on that toon at least.
⇛ Follow the Gear Template for your chosen class.
⇛ If you want, ask to be added to the Skype conversation for easier conversation.



(Please post your existing characters so we'll know how big the remaining player base is.)


Gear Templates

Substituting whites for looks or weapon speed is acceptable, otherwise the template should be followed.

Mail classes - Warrior / Paladin
Leather classes - Hunter / Rogue / Shaman / Monk / Druid
Cloth classes - Priest / Mage / Warlock


We miss you Kochi, and hope you will come back one day. :)
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Gear Template - Mail

/ Paladin

HeadFlying Tiger GogglesCrafted5
NeckScout's MedallionHonor18
RingAdvisor's RingHonor18
RingLegionnaire's BandHonor18
CapeBattle Healer's CloakHonor18
TrinketInsignia of the HordeHonor10
BeltPainstakingly Crafted BeltQuest14
ShoulderDeathstalker PauldronsDungeon17
ChestScalemail VestVendor17
WristScalemail BracersVendor17
GlovesScalemail GlovesVendor17
LegsScalemail PantsVendor17
BootsScalemail BootsVendor17
ShieldReinforced TargeVendor17
2h WeaponRock HammerVendor17
1h WeaponDouble AxeVendor17

The Flying Tiger Goggles are crafted at 100 Engineering and 75 Mining is used for the stamina buff.

You need 135 honor for all the Honor Items. The PvP Trinket is bought in Orgrimmar from the Trinket Vendor. The cape, necklace, and both rings are bought from the WSG Vendor.

Painstakingly Crafted Belt is from Samophlange, a 5 part quest that starts at level 14 at Nozzlepot's Outpost in Northern Barrens.

Deathstalker Pauldrons are from the Shadowfang Keep quest chain.

The rest of the gear is from vendors in Orgimmar.

The Scalemail armor and Shield can be bought here: /target Tumi
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Gear Template - Leather

/ Rogue / Shaman / Monk / Druid

HeadFlying Tiger GogglesCrafted5
NeckScout's MedallionHonor18
RingAdvisor's RingHonor18
RingLegionnaire's BandHonor18
CapeBattle Healer's CloakHonor18
TrinketInsignia of the HordeHonor10
BeltPainstakingly Crafted BeltQuest14
GlovesGloves of Unmitigated BadasseryQuest18
ChestCured Leather ArmorVendor17
WristCured Leather BracersVendor17
LegsCured Leather PantsVendor17
BootsCured Leather BootsVendor17
ShieldReinforced TargeVendor17
2h WeaponRock HammerVendor17
1h WeaponDouble AxeVendor17
RangedReinforced BowVendor17

The Flying Tiger Goggles are crafted at 100 Engineering and 75 Mining is used for the stamina buff.

You need 135 honor for all the Honor Items. The PvP Trinket is bought in Orgrimmar from the Trinket Vendor. The cape, necklace, and both rings are bought from the WSG Vendor.

Painstakingly Crafted Belt is from Samophlange, a 5 part quest that starts at level 14 at Nozzlepot's Outpost in Northern Barrens.

Gloves of Unmitigated Badassery quest starts at level 18 at Valormok, Azshara. Find the Where's My Head quest and the followup.

The rest of the gear is from vendors in Orgimmar.

The Cured Leather armor can be bought here: /target Morgum
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Gear Template - Cloth

/ Mage / Warlock

HeadFlying Tiger GogglesCrafted5
NeckScout's MedallionHonor18
RingAdvisor's RingHonor18
RingLegionnaire's BandHonor18
CapeBattle Healer's CloakHonor18
TrinketInsignia of the HordeHonor10
BeltPainstakingly Crafted BeltQuest14
RangedWind Rider WandQuest18
ChestThick Cloth VestVendor17
WristThick Cloth BracersVendor17
GlovesThick Cloth GlovesVendor17
LegsThick Cloth PantsVendor17
BootsThick Cloth ShoesVendor17
WeaponWind Rider WandQuest18

The Flying Tiger Goggles are crafted at 100 Engineering and 75 Mining is used for the stamina buff.

You need 135 honor for all the Honor Items. The PvP Trinket is bought in Orgrimmar from the Trinket Vendor. The cape, necklace, and both rings are bought from the WSG Vendor.

The quest chain for the Wind Rider Wand requires level 18 and starts in Valormok in Azshara.

Painstakingly Crafted Belt is from Samophlange, a 5 part quest that starts at level 14 at Nozzlepot's Outpost in Northern Barrens.

The rest of the gear is from vendors in Orgimmar.

The Thick Cloth armor can be bought here: /target Ollanus
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o_O :( kochi was so awesome... hope he comes back soon
Thank god someone like Yde finally brought this back up, unfortunately, i levelled my hpally to 20, but i still have my 20 warrior
Zarxot @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
This is the exact gear and professions used by kochi.
Also, a tip is to check out the cache of the website. Then you can see the actual website and his own tips on how to get the gear fast. All classes don't work but I will list the working ones. I will probably take a screenshot of these cached websites so we can have it forever =)

Druid: 19 Wargame

Mage: 19 Wargame

Paladin: not working.

Priest: 19 Wargame

Rogue: not working.

Shaman: not working.

Warlock: not working.

Warrior: 19 Wargame

Woot, couldn't find cache! TY!
Some confusion concerning this:

RangedSuppressor's WandQuest18
ChestRobe of ShameQuest13
When I made my priest we had white chest gear and Wind Rider Wand in the template, and I see that other clothies like out two locks also geared that way. When did the Barrens questline get added in? Would prefer if we went without robe of Shame, because I'm not sure we can all just quest for it without dinging 20.
More armories, go!

Dubbs, Hü, Cryptease, Mialo, farah, Purse, do you have toons?

Ðecemqt, Rloveution, Zeråzsa still around for this?
A little off topic, but to view ANY website that has EVER existed even after the cache is no longer active is to use Internet Archive: Wayback Machine enjoy =)

*Also allows you to view previous versions of existing websites as it takes regular snapshots.

While I think this is awesome, sadly 19wargame.com has never been crawled. :(

Also I had already tried for Twinkinfo, which has been crawled last in 2010...

Salfopotamus: awesome name!

Keep armories coming! Please let there be more. ^^
Ok guys, lets revive this properly now, we've scheduled 19 arenas for both the following saturday and sunday starting at around 1pm server time, so we can accommodate for the EU's, of which there are a surprisingly large number for 19s. The other super useful thing you can do, is join skype, as we have a group specifically designed for such usage. Just add me up-search for 'tristan skinner (zaxxo)' and you'll find me. Send me a message and i'll add you up, and we can bring back life to this awesome project.
Several of you would like to get 19s Arenas and WSG started again, so I'd like to try to get people online on Saturday August 4 at 1 pm server time.

Everyone try to make it!
Never mind. Everyone interested please talk about advertising this to recruit more people in our Skype channel! Talk to me (ydecoo) to be added to the Skype conversation!
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