My first Youtube vid! check it out!

You don't even try to polymorph the healer. You just rely on your shatter which is shameful. I watched up to 3minutes then got bored seeing you to try faceroll the shaman without any cc on the paladin at all.
ye that game was a total mess I admit, trying to get some better footage, cuz these games werent my best games and I wasnt playing with my main arena partner check out my mates channel its in the discription some better footage there
You rely to much on your class didn't see any sort of CC / control in the games you played.

I know a play a rogue but you could show some games that are actually a challenge instead of posting the games that are a few seconds LOLJK TAZIK SHATTER long.
Lol. I met you and frank in 2s, you just shatter me go all cds tazik without ccing my healer. Oh and they lost to us.

btw horibble playing to be honest.
Power Aura's is far too big Ruby, also give Render Settings pl0x
This video pretty much sums up what level 70 arena is about atm.

As said before, you need to learn to cc/control people (see above sentence).
Haha Hey there! Were against you in 2vs2 yesteday on my Priest (blessedgirl) with my partner (Bismaq) Rogue. You can play yeah for sure, but the CC timing was kinda . . . Horrible :p Hope facing you again!

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