Obtain 26 Mounts?


Just got my strider from the faire tonight. Hit 25 mounts and nothing...
Looks like Paladin mounts and Felsteed don't count towards the achievement.

I'm sure this has been done already, and I'm not even sure this was thread worthy, but this sure came to a surprise to me! :D
So it works for Paladin mounts!?
Lame! Where's the Felsteed love?
Ick, I was unaware the Warlock mount does not count, that sucks. :(

That's also rather lame the Paladin one counts where-as the Warlock one does not, I think it should be both or none (Preferably none because that only really makes sense considering they are the only classes that have their own mount, unless you count Druid flight-form)

I think these are your only choices, but your armory says you do not have the DMF Strider, which you do, so it might have withheld something you needed that you can obtain in-game.

Riding Turtle
Spectral Tiger
Savage Raptor
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The cheapest TCG mount is the strider. Yes, another strider. 25 mounts might be difficult to test, but 10 mounts should be easy enough. Does the felsteed count if you have it and 9 other mounts? The armory in the signature shows 24 mounts. Did you learn the DMF strider? Did you log out, or just quit? Sometimes armory doesn't update if you just quit. Anyway, if I saw you had 25 mounts and no achievement in the armory, that's confirmation, but that's not what we have here.

Edit: Armory has updated now, and it does show 25 mounts and no 25 mounts achievement. Odd. Horde only issue? Lock only? Horde lock only? Hard to say. Not many people have 25 mounts yet.
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I also saw a screenshot of a Horde toon riding an Alliance horse (due to moutns becoming Account-Wide) BUT i am pretty sure it was just a bug

But we never know. I doubt they will let your mounts go cross-faction because that would mess with the Lore big time (not that Blizz cares about it much)
Armory has updated now, and it does show 25 mounts and no 25 mounts achievement. Odd. Horde only issue? Lock only? Horde lock only? Hard to say. Not many people have 25 mounts yet.
Whatever it may be, it sure is a bummer. I've been looking forward to that achievement for months.
What's even more odd, I'm pretty sure this counted towards the previous mount gathering achievements. Although I'm not 100% sure. Perhaps someone with a recently "Ambassador'd" Warlock could test?
Confirmed that as of current patch, it's a lock issue. Alliance lock mounts don't count either. Alliance and horde paladin mounts do count.

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