Twink Info Community Video Project LAUNCHED!


The Specialist
TwinkInfo Community Project - YouTube

The staff and I have decided to launch a new project. It's a community project which will feature videos that users send in from all types of twinking. The featured clips will be of unusual, amazing, or excellent gameplay. To start we will shoot to upload a new video about once a month. This completely depends on whether or not we get enough clips sent in for our video.

Guidelines For Clips:
  • Keep clips below 60-75 seconds, do not send anything longer than two minutes.
  • We are not interested in clips involving extreme exploiting or hacking.
  • Clips must be at least 360p however 720p or higher would be appreciated.
  • Clips do not need to have sound. Do not add music.
How To Send Us Your Clips(s):
  1. Upload your COMPRESSED video to this website
  2. Send the link in a PM to Eliot

We hope the entire community will enjoy this new project. All twinks are welcome to send us clips regardless of level.

Now go get some awesome gameplay!

By submitting videos to, you hereby acknowledge that you grant permission to display, promote, or modify your video for commercial or non-commercial use.
So, will these episodes be from all brackets, or will each bracket have their individual episodes?
I hope this turns out to be a success.
So, will these episodes be from all brackets, or will each bracket have their individual episodes?

Most likely a single video with clips from several brackets, it depends on what gets sent in.
Lovely idea! Looking forward to this very much. :)
do level 1's count as a bracket?
do level 1's count as a bracket?
Of course! Any level is welcome!

People keep spreading awareness and get your clips sent in.
ill send in something asap nice work eliot, also my first cat was named eliot so youre cool in my book
ill send in something asap nice work eliot, also my first cat was named eliot so youre cool in my book

Nice Saxxon, I always enjoy your footage. How first cat was named Saxxon.
so that BiS report episode 4 ever gonna happen?
on topic though this sounds like a nice idea
Clips inc, but it feels a bit boring with only arena.... I know! let's make a video about our guild; ganking lvl85's; "as one we remain weak (except frost mages those r never weak) but as a community we stand strong!"
Worst part about quitting wow was leaveing the twink community here. Good Luck with this project, looks very promising ^^. maybe you could have some minor commentary explaining the vid in before? just like, what it's about, who did it, wich channel. Again Good Luck ^^
so that BiS report episode 4 ever gonna happen?
on topic though this sounds like a nice idea
If Duckhunt wants to do a BiS report 4 then he can, haven't seen him around is awhile though.
Already filming my clip, with my level one twink, was thinking if soloing canyon ettin in 40seconds or just win against a 20-28 warrior :)

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