Or you can work on your Mayhem toon ;Dmocha make an ally toon and q wit me
Or you can work on your Mayhem toon ;Dmocha make an ally toon and q wit me
Or you can work on your Mayhem toon ;D
Dawj?im like 99% sure i deleted that for the toon i made on some shitter server to grab a shadowfang lul, all my slots are full most of the time
5 hunts drop the 1 other hunter in less than a second and then heals oom ... 5 hunts 1 priest wins
sorry but the scenarios i stated was a actual game....5 hunts and 1 healer did not win, team with less hunters 5 heals did. hunters/healers were all geared on both sides and known names. remember holy paladins three of them HS and WOG others also heal themselves at the same time and will hardly ever OOM unless trying to exo-spam. 2 disco priests can negate alot of damage, keep HOTs rolling, and throw out some DPS.....5 healers create a DPS negating circle jerk and one priest has a hard time healing 5 players especially when the ONE priest goes OOM
i could post SS's for proof even groups of SS's but then you have trolls like painaid come out of retirement to post that it's just anecdotal evidence, like he did once on 5 different game SS's proving my point. so the claim "SS or it didn't happen" is also "SS it didn't happen" either way, no point.. i have done it before showing what i'm seeing along with the times from the SS, everyone goes right back to hunter OMFG and blind at times how other classes are turning games.
D-priests and H-paladins are just as game breaking and game changing as hunters in 19, but hunters are the quick QQ, just as low level rogues are QQ'd on in low brackets. but hunters aren't getting overly nerfed come MOP, rogues are....loudest whiners win
add-on: back to thread title, imo WT GY farming is not killing the bracket and when it comes to GY it's not just WT, it's also alot of BH horde side non-WT players who win/log roll or know when to que on servers other than BH join....just WT gets the blame because 3-5 of them are WT. even at times when i see BG stats/comp shows 6-8 players from BH, they are not all from WT
as for que times, i haven't qued a single twink since the start of the midsummer holiday, cycling many players to get points due to me wanting extra captured flame pets, which are now sellable on AH, along with the cool new helm they added this year, and both are expensive. imagine others are doing the same
Where do I say anything about WT?add-on: back to thread title, imo WT GY farming is not killing the bracket and when it comes to GY it's not just WT, it's also alot of BH horde side non-WT players who win/log roll or know when to que on servers other than BH join....just WT gets the blame because 3-5 of them are WT. even at times when i see BG stats/comp shows 6-8 players from BH, they are not all from WT
The bracket is fine there's just fewer power house guilds now days so when someone like you can't be carried by WT you whine about it. Why don't you bring back once great mayhem and make yourself useful than qq'ing about pug games. If you expect any game you solo queue in should be a top notch game then your lost.
Might i remind you we're still in the same x-pac as the "@19s, The Bleeding Hollow Migration & Qs (U.S.)" which was looked at as one of the great eras of the bracket. The only difference now is Mediocre,good and exceptional players are deciding to queue solo these days Or Quit instead of creating something
There were many rivalry games yesterday between only a few guilds, it's just a shame you weren't queueing at the right time. Now once the active guild list starts to hit 6,7,8 then the bracket will go back to it's prime.
Last input : No one complained about classes in the Dalaran: Bleeding Hollowing [US] Twink Hub
^^ how to fix the bracket = more active guilds
Holy shit, did you actually mention substance-less forum threads? Really?
Enjoy rolling pugs.
My last game was a game where this douche and his buddies camped Eliot with their alliance toons. It's only fitting that my last post here on TI ends by calling this asshat a classless fuck.
Peace out friends.
Movements start with a broadcast followed by action. Also I find it very comical for you to say my threads lack substance, truly gave me quite the giggleYou are right - fixing the bracket (if it even needs fixing?) lies in action, not in creating substance-less forum threads.
Movements start with a broadcast followed by action. Also I find it very comical for you to say my threads lack substance, truly gave me quite the giggle![]()
several days ago i got into 3 straight games with a 5-man FREE TO PLAY premade. I kid you not, 5 FTP characters in the same guild, group queing. It goes without saying I lost every single game.
FTP ruined the bracket as we knew it
Free to play characters can join guilds???
Trials can not join guilds, also they can not play in this bracket. They play in the 20-24 xp off bracket.
You're joking right? That was the whole point of my post. Learn to read and understand.
Yes I can see the sarcasm in your typing.