Bracket Etiquette


I think this bracket could be much more pleasant if there was less conflict between 20s, 24s, and noobs. If a 24 is being inflammatory, I suggest /ignore x or if really necessary /afk. Also, try not to gy farm. I see most AP/Vashjs push to 3 cap and sometimes you can't really avoid a 3rd party player farming.

A note on undergeared players: instead of trolling them, or tricking them into /afking, or marking the with icons, try to help them out. In general I think most English-speaking noobs will at least try to learn. Redirect them TI and pressure them to get geared, politely.

This is not supposed to start a flame war (and SHOULDN'T) , just a polite shout out to the community.

Copied from my post in the 24 section:
There's major etiquette problems on both ends of this bracket. I'd like to see lessening conflict between 20s and 24s as well as less gy farming. It's not even efficient in the slightest.
i agree
Mods, please remove this trolling fool from this thread, and perhaps we may continue a conversation w/o interference. Until then, just ignore the troll's posts. It will go away or do something stupid enough to get banned.
I sometimes try and redirect people to TI when they show a lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, lately i have been seeing a lot of players just doing very unfortunate things like grabbing the flag with 600-770 hp and when i ask them to pass they usually say "how do i do that?"

It's takes patience not to get upset but i think the majority of the community can help steer these players in the right direction if they show politeness and kindness.
Maybe if wsg was changed so that the first team to 300 points wins.

Each flag cap is worth 100 points.
Each kill is worth 2-6 points.
Maybe if wsg was changed so that the first team to 300 points wins.

Each flag cap is worth 100 points.
Each kill is worth 2-6 points.

That would just break down the current WSG entirely. Teams would focus on mid chopping and GY farming to win instead of the old FC/EFC Offense/Defense set up.
This thread was attempting to be constructive. I know we have heard these kind of ideas before, but it gives you no right to walk in here and act like a complete asswhole. Go back to the 20-24 forum.

That section of the forum don't want this group of posters either.

OT, helping the new players is what needs to happen, they are the reason for the bracket. A few from ap need to stop vote afking the undergeared players and help them a bit.
Yesterday while helping a fellow horde on Vashj in Ashenvale, I got marked by a hunter. I presume he was an F2P (Gingerone) and he took out my warrior (why is there no closer at lvl 20 for warriors?)
Anyways, before anyone thinks that I'm QQing, I chose to play on a PVP server. I understood the possible repercussions of that decisions when I made it. I've been playing since beta days and I know how it feels to be camped (literally... do you remember the days when we used to make campfires while waiting on someone to rez?) for hours frustrated when you just want to finish your quests.

That said, I almost never attack a person from behind or while they are engaged with a mob. Classic ganking scenarios like that I always avoid. Why? I don't know... maybe I have a conscious and I feel bad if I took advantage of someone like that. That's not to say I haven't done it or that I won't in the future.

I remember back when I was seriously playing I had friends on the opposite side (we used to have cross faction server vents setup) and when we ran into each other "in the wild" we would bow at each other and then duke it out. lol yea we didn't always just avoid each other. We had our fun just doing mini fights with each other in the wild. Back when world pvp was fun.

BGs are the same way. Yyou meet many of the same people after so many BGs and sometimes you look forward to the times that you guys can fight it out mano a mano but you do it while trying to be fair and respectful of each other. We never /spit at an opponent. But you don't have to avoid them if you run into them with a crowd.

This whole thing of learning etiquette when in a bg or in an encounter in the wild is not unexpected though.
There's a lot of immature people that play this game. It's just another fact of life.
We can try to make it more enjoyable for us that are on this forum or know each other IRL but it's just something that happens in the game.

I don't mind it so much but I do appreciate the environment that the OT is trying to promote. It sure would be nice if everyone (AC or Horde) were friends and sportsmen (yea I just included playing wow into sportsmanship :p). But not likely :p
^ Thanks for that rush of nostalgia. The "environment" that the OP is trying to promote, however, is similar to that of forming a utopia.
h3adache;465646[... said:
It sure would be nice if everyone (AC or Horde) were friends and sportsmen (yea I just included playing wow into sportsmanship :p). But not likely :p

I think I know what you're saying, but doesn't a Tarrasque have an AC of -3? Do you realize what THAC0 you need to accomplish this?
I don't think the 20-24 Bracket will ever have a majority of tolerable players, simply because almost everyone is part of one the following groups

- Ex WoW players abusing Hunters
- Kids
- Brazilians, or other English Second Language Nationalities
I think I know what you're saying, but doesn't a Tarrasque have an AC of -3? Do you realize what THAC0 you need to accomplish this?

Don't forget that they cannot be killed, not even with disintegration, so even if you could drop one, you're best bet is probably just to banish it to another plane anyway.
Yeah, a constructive discussion on this is definitely a good thing, whether or not we can make a huge difference. The bracket will obviously never be perfect, but a good attitude and just treating other players like human beings can go a long way. Unfortunately, experienced players in the bracket face a two pronged assault from complete opposite ends of the spectrum, between those who are completely new to the game and the campers. It can definitely be frustrating to deal with, but its important to at least try to keep BG chat as chill and constructive as possible.

I'm definitely guilty of this too, but everyone should try to keep unfavorable assumptions to a minimum. Not every 24 hunter farms, and not every person with less than 600 HP is going to be silent and unwilling to learn. I've run into some great groups of 24s that control GY from a distance and run flags. Sometimes you need to tell the person with 600 health to right click the flag icon to drop it, for the better of the team. Its natural to think "Oh, I'm going to capture the flag for my team so we win" when you don't know any better about optimal FCing. It can be annoying getting asked where every piece of gear you have comes from during that 2 min wait for the gates to open, but at least that person is trying to learn. Send them here, send them to wowhead, we all had to learn about the resources available for this game at some point. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who once thought moar armor = moar awesomeness. A lot of these things are common sense for us, but when you're just starting out this game has a LOT to learn. Its definitely much easier with all the in game tips these days, but it can still be overwhelming.

Yeah, some people are incorrigible douchebags, and you'll always get the "but [opposing faction] always farms us, so &$^# them!" from people who contributed very little to an easy win. Sometimes you just need to calmly say that farming is miserable for the other team and negative for the community, then be quiet and set yourself up for the 3rd grab. Anyways, this is super all over the place and probably incoherent rambling, so I'll stop now.

TL;DR. Be considerate, occasionally people will react positively and do the same. Pay it forward, etc, etc.

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