I think this bracket could be much more pleasant if there was less conflict between 20s, 24s, and noobs. If a 24 is being inflammatory, I suggest /ignore x or if really necessary /afk. Also, try not to gy farm. I see most AP/Vashjs push to 3 cap and sometimes you can't really avoid a 3rd party player farming.
A note on undergeared players: instead of trolling them, or tricking them into /afking, or marking the with icons, try to help them out. In general I think most English-speaking noobs will at least try to learn. Redirect them TI and pressure them to get geared, politely.
This is not supposed to start a flame war (and SHOULDN'T) , just a polite shout out to the community.
Copied from my post in the 24 section:
There's major etiquette problems on both ends of this bracket. I'd like to see lessening conflict between 20s and 24s as well as less gy farming. It's not even efficient in the slightest.
A note on undergeared players: instead of trolling them, or tricking them into /afking, or marking the with icons, try to help them out. In general I think most English-speaking noobs will at least try to learn. Redirect them TI and pressure them to get geared, politely.
This is not supposed to start a flame war (and SHOULDN'T) , just a polite shout out to the community.
Copied from my post in the 24 section:
There's major etiquette problems on both ends of this bracket. I'd like to see lessening conflict between 20s and 24s as well as less gy farming. It's not even efficient in the slightest.