Dagamela Legend May 3, 2012 #1 https://theunderminejournal.com/item.php?realm=h-Agamaggan&item=1482 Last seen less than 1hr ago
Sneaky Legend May 3, 2012 #2 I wouldn't even waste the effort... By the time I log in someone would have bought it -_- Edit: just armoried the seller, apparently he's a level 62 who ran through SFK and the Shadowfang dropped for him >.> What luck. Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2012
I wouldn't even waste the effort... By the time I log in someone would have bought it -_- Edit: just armoried the seller, apparently he's a level 62 who ran through SFK and the Shadowfang dropped for him >.> What luck.
OP OP Dagamela Legend May 3, 2012 #3 Snèaky said: I wouldn't even waste the effort... By the time I log in someone would have bought it -_- Click to expand... Lucky guess sneaks
Snèaky said: I wouldn't even waste the effort... By the time I log in someone would have bought it -_- Click to expand... Lucky guess sneaks
OP OP Dagamela Legend May 3, 2012 #5 Will be selling Shadowfang on Korgath Alliance/Horse. PM Me offers