Hybrid-Kil'jaeden is one of the best 70 twink guilds on wow also.
Hero | The Venture Co-US | DEAD | |
Spirits of the Immortal | Bladefist-US | DEAD (5 members) | |
Never Got My Glaives | Arthas-US | official forum topic | |
git muny | Frostmourne-US | DEAD | |
Apocalyptic | Perenolde-US | official forum topic + Apocalyptic - Perenolde - Perenolde - WoW - Guild Hosting - Guild Launch | |
Stuck in BC | Firetree-US | PRETTY MUCH DEAD (5 members maybe) | |
Séxy Timé All Thé Timé | Sargeras-US | 5 Members total | |
Glaívé Swaggér | Sargeras-US | Disbanded (Created new name/reformed) 5 Members total | |
Violation | Stormreaver-US | Haven't seen them since March. | |
Hybrid | Kil'Jaeden-US | PVE guild (from my understanding) | |
Due to circumstances, I won't be able to update this list until the 15th of July. Do not let this hold you back to post your guild in this thread. I'll update everything the 16th of July. Thanks for your patience!![]()